Becoming Invisible in Woodland Areas: The Story of Christopher Knight Discover the extraordinary tale of Christopher Knight, the ‘Ghost of North Pond,’ who lived undetected in the Maine wilderness for 27 years. In an era dominated by advanced technology, the notion of living undetected in the woods for an extended period seems implausible….
Tag: preparedness
FUSA Bulletin: Prepare for the Mariel (Haitian) Boatlift v2.0
Biden admin. officials testify they’re preparing for a massive surge of Haitian ‘migrants’ after thousands of inmates escaped the country’s prisons Flash back the beginning of the movie Scarface from 1983: Roll Actual footage from the 1980 Mariel Boatlift where hundreds of thousands of so-called Cuban “refugees” (which we later found out consisted…
Mexican Cartel’s Using Landmines and Drones
Cartel Gunmen Utilize Land Mines, Drones in Deadly Assault on Soldiers The Cartels are now better armed and trained that the Mexican Military and according to some sources outnumber them 3 to 1. With nothing standing in their way and Open Borders we can expect this type of violence in our Border State’s and…
Riskmap is a free global monitoring platform which Sources data from global media and social channels. Their intelligence engine continuously monitors thousands of sources in multiple languages which filter out the noise and enpower you to extract useful information to provide accurate intelligence insights. Riskmap is a free threat assessment service that requires an…
Ammo Heads Up
Prepping 101: Fishponds
Famine in Japan: Fishponds for Food Security Whether you are considering an outside Tilapia fish pond or some smaller-scale fish tanks, having a ready supply of fish on hand is a no-brainer!
DTG’s 2021 Updated 10 Week (If You’re Lucky) Plan to Prepare for the Worst-Case Scenario
H/T WRSA DTG’s 2021 Updated 10 Week (If You’re Lucky) Plan to Prepare for the Worst-Case Scenario This is an excellent Get Your Shit Together and Your Head out of Your Ass article! To reiterate the most important point: TIME is of the essence and everything mentioned is going to be harder to obtain…
Why You Should Become an EMT
Why You Should Become an EMT Or more to the Point, WHY you should get EMT Training… In a Nutshell the answer is the same as to Why You Should Always be Armed: Because when Seconds Count, the Police (and the Paramdedics) are only an hour away! NOBODY is Coming to Save You! The “Cavalry”…
Time for Some Backyard Chickens!
Egg Prices Soar As Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu Spreads Ahead Of Easter I bought six laying hens (Orpingtons), a rooster (Brown Leghorn) material and plans to build a chicken coop and chicken feed two years ago when all the fun started with Wu-Flu. I now have a steady supply of brown eggs for my family and…
Fieldcraft: Alternative Fire Starting Without Matches
Alternative Fire Starting Without Matches Good things to have in your mental and physical survival toolbox because you never know when you might need FIRE.