H/T Lenny Ladner I can still remember my worn, dog-eared Paladin Press Paper Catalog sitting next to the latest edition of SOF! The Good ole’ days! Here are 684 Uploads of some Classics Paladin titles. Download yours today before they disappear into the ether.
Tag: Paladin Press
Monster Action Library PDF’s
MONSTER ACTION LIBRARY PDFS For those of us “seasoned” and “experienced” enough to remember Paladin Press back in the day, here is a well stocked pdf archive courtesy of the good folks over at American Partisan. Take advantage while you can! Remember: The Final Weapon is the Brain, all else is Supplemental. Stay Alert,…
Scanning and the Third Eye
It came to my attention during a recent series of drills that there are certain things MOST gun schools teach people that are regarded as necessary and prudent, but in reality are just uneccessary movement. We should always seek in our training to do MORE with LESS, to trim off any movement or action that is…
The Martial Cane
The Martial Cane You know life is a journey, and you have to enjoy the trip more than anticipating getting to your destination. Recently I have had to start using a cane more and more due to my injuries, being a still, relatively young and vibrant man, it has really opened my eyes to another dimension of…