What is W.O.F.T. Training? There is a misconception that simply having a firearm can solve any problem, but this is flatly wrong. If someone approaches you in a dimly lit parking lot yelling out at you, your natural response shouldn’t be to draw your concealed firearm and deposit some hollow points into them. W.O.F.T. is…
Tag: OODA Loop
Active Shooter Scenarios should Drive your Firearms Training
By Hammerhead I am a big believer in having your firearms and self-defense training reflect the real-world threats that wait outside your comfort zone. When you look at the events in Paris, (Charlie Hebdo in January and the most recent attack in November) combined with the attack on the Police Officer in Philadelphia last week…
The OODA Loop, Revisited
John Boyd’s OODA loop teaches troops how to make the right decision with little time and scant info. By Mike Grice You make decisions every day. Dozens and dozens of them. Some are easy — coffee or latte? — and some are more complex. Regardless of what kind of decision you need to make, you…
Balancing Safety and Realism in Civilian Firearms Training
[youtube=http://youtu.be/rI01qKAqYts] The following video was sent to be by a good friend who routinely trains with a former Spetsnaz member. At first glance, most people’s reactions are the same “This is CRAZY!!” but not until the end where Larry “arfcom” Vickers explains these are extremely advanced RUSSIAN FSB MILITARY Courses of Fire, meant for advanced SF MILITARY OPERATORS do things…