From the Archives, 2018 While training the other day I put in 20 rounds on the tried and true Mozambique or “Failure to Stop” Drill. After I ran through the drill I realized something: I had been training myself to PAUSE between the transition from the two shots to Center of Mass to the…
Tag: Mozambique Drill
Combat Shooting 101: The Zipper
From the Archives, 2013 The armed civilian, like the LEO, needs to evaluate his Course of Fire and Firearm Drills frequently to make sure they stay current with the times. The best example of this is the increased use of Body Armor by thugs. Looking at history, one could expect your “higher class”…
Drilling for Changing Times
From the Archives, 2013 The armed civilian, like the LEO, needs to evaluate his Course of Fire and Firearm Drills frequently to make sure they stay current with the times. The best example of this is the increased use of Body Armor by thugs. Looking at history, one could expect your “higher…
History of the Failure Drill: Mozambique Revolt Roots
HISTORY OF THE FAILURE DRILL: MOZAMBIQUE REVOLT ROOTS This drill is still as relevant today as it was fifty years ago, if not more so with both drug abuse and bullet proof vest becoming more and more common with criminal turds. “Two the Chest and One to the Head to Make Them Dead!” …
The Shooting People in the Face Drill, Revisited
From the Archives, 2018 While training the other day I put in 20 rounds on the tried and true Mozambique or “Failure to Stop” Drill. After I ran through the drill once I realized something: I had trained myself to PAUSE between the transition from the two shots to Center of Mass to the shot…
Refining the Mozambique for the 21st Century
While training the other day I put in 20 rounds on the tried and true Mozambique or “Failure to Stop” Drill. After I ran through the drill once I realized something: I had trained myself to PAUSE between the transition from the two shots to Center of Mass to the shot to the Cranial T…
Armed Citizen Corner: Start Practicing More Headshots Because Terrorist Love Explosives
If you are reading this, then you are probably the type of person who would be willing to fight back against a terrorist attack using your guns. The fact is that more and more terrorist attacks are going to be occurring on American soil because the “Global War on Terror” includes the USA now. That…
“Shoot em’ to the Ground” Fire Superiority!
One of the most frequent questions I get from students is “How many rounds do I fire in a situation where my life is at risk?” I often answer this with the very simple answer “As many as you need too to put the threat down.” I then refer back to the military term of…
The Real Walking Dead
The following video shows the REALITY of a human being’s ability to function after being fatally shot. The perp, John Van Allen, was shot once in the chest with a .40 Caliber pistol from a distance of no more than 15 feet. He manages to continue fighting after being hit, getting off several shots at…
Drilling for the Changing Times
From the Archives, 2013 The armed civilian, like the LEO, needs to evaluate his Course of Fire and Firearm Drills frequently to make sure they stay current with the times. The best example of this is the increased use of Body Armor by thugs. Looking at history, one could expect your “higher…