Louisiana Tech student allegedly stabs 4 people in ‘random act of violence’ on campus As usual, there is nothing “random” about this attack. This bi-polar/schitzo nigger, Jacoby Johnson (pix above) went into the fitness center on campus and began stabbing every white person he could find with a large kitchen knife. This article shows…
Tag: knife attacks
Preparation for Future “Days of Jihad”
Preparation for Future “Days of Jihad” This is a great training resource article with plenty of links, recommend you download to a flash drive. Topics such as knife attacks, vehicles used as weapons and counter-kidnapping tactics are covered. Keep Alert and Stay Armed.
Knife Attack Defense Basics
People that intend to do you harm typically try to stack the odds in their favor to be successful. A mass knife attack is a prime example. Get a large number of clueless sheeple in a confined area and go on a slashing and stabbing spree. This just happened in Japan. Three people were…
Myths about Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight
Myths about Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight If you carry a Handgun for Self-Defense you should dedicate a LARGE block of your monthly training to knife attacks. They happen more frequently than you think and due to Hollyweird and Fantasy Gunfight Training most armed civilians and sadly a large percentage of law enforcement…
Halloween Tokyo Subway Attack by Knife Wielding Man dressed as “Joker”
Tokyo Subway Attack: 17 Injured, No Gun Needed Once again proving Mental Illness does not need a GUN to wreak havoc, but if you want to STOP a knife wielding whacko, a GUN comes in real handy.
Knife Attacks: Insights, Strategies, and Pro Tips
Knife Attacks: Insights, Strategies, and Pro Tips Solid information from the Mad Duo over at BB&C.
Backpedaling is Bad!
Here we have yet another Police Body Cam out of Florida where a druggie/crazy guy charges a cop with a knife. This is a BAD situation to be in tactically speaking. The Cop is in a CONFINED Space with limited egress routes. When the guy charges, the Cop is forced to back Pedal down…
Civilian Operator 101: The Reality of a Knife Attack on the Street
Here is a no bullshit example of what a knife attack is REALLY like on the street. Basically from what I could gather from the half-retarded google translation is this Russian Cop is writing this old man (called a pensioner) a ticket in his patrol car. At the end the old man decides he was…
What do Goat Rodeo’s and Knife Attacks have in Common?
[youtube=http://youtu.be/JlyUQHQhz0s] In a word: CHAOS There is nothing (at least to me) that is more primordial, barbaric and just plain ass puckering scary than an attacker coming at me, swinging a knife intent on my imminent demise like in the above vid. Luckily, for the shop-keeper it ended well, the knife attacker (probably under the…
Neutralizing Knife Attacks
In yet another sad addition to the catalog of violent attacks on school campuses, yesterday at Lone Star College near Houston, Texas a deranged individual went on a slashing spree with an exacto knife, wounding fourteen innocent people, two seriously. Thankfully, there were no fatalities. I will not get on a soapbox rant why I…