July 4, 1976, was a special day for America, Israel and international terrorism. In America, it was the bicentennial, the two hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. For Israel, it was a day of redemption, after its commandos had rescued 102 hostages from pro-Palestinian hijackers at Entebbe airport, Uganda. Alas for terrorists, July 4…
Tag: Israeli Counter-Terrorism
Peering into the Past and Future of Urban Warfare in Israel
I traveled recently to Israel to visit a state-of-the-art military training facility in the southern Negev Desert opened by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) last year. The facility, at the Tze’elim army base, is meant to simulate urban operations of the kind the Israelis have so often faced in their conflicts with Palestinian and Lebanese…
Understanding the Tactics of Terror
“Violence does not discriminate based on one’s age, race, gender, faith, income level and own perception of preparedness level to deal with it…Without a moment’s notice, one can find himself in the middle of the most chaotic, brutal, mind-numbing experience of one’s life…Criminals, Gang-Bangers, Predators, Terrorist and Sociopaths by definition, prey on the weak and…