It came to my attention during a recent series of drills that there are certain things MOST gun schools teach people that are regarded as necessary and prudent, but in reality are just uneccessary movement. We should always seek in our training to do MORE with LESS, to trim off any movement or action that is…
Tag: Guns
More Training, Less Talking
I had a guy email me recently asking me: “Is it really that bad that we need to own all these weapons and train to protect ourselves every weekend?” “Our parents did not do this stuff, why are we?” “Are we getting duped into thinking that this TERRIBLE EVENT everybody is talking about is going to…
Oikos University Shooting Spree
The plague is now at nightmare proportions…more to come on this one
Botched ATM Robbery Vid
Although I would never tell anybody to do this, since money is never worth dying over, this guy took the initiative and made the perp idiot pay for not paying attention! The Robbery was botched and the perp arrested a short time after.
The “Plague” of the Active Shooter
Once again the headlines scrolled at the bottom of the screen “Student in Ohio goes on shooting spree at local school”…My stomach turned..”That coward S.O.B” I muttered under my breath. I was angry and agitated. The plague of the active shooter scenario had raised it’s ugly head once again, at the end result would be 3 dead, 2…
The “5 Gun” Theory
There is a lot to be said about having the right tool for the job..for one, it makes your job easier and typically, faster to complete. You have to summarize the task at hand and deduce what tool would do the job the best. A surgeon for instance, needs a scalpel, not a machete, a lumberjack needs a…