Tag: Gun Control
Where There is a Will, There is Always a Way
Gun used to Assassinate Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe When it comes to so-called “Gun Control”, History continues to bear out this fact: Where there is a WILL, there is always a WAY to ARM Yourself. Regardless of Government Weapon Restrictions. MORE LINKS and INTEL.
The Folly of Gun Control in Brazil
Where there is a WILL there is a WAY. Never under estimate men who want to be armed. This is a snapshot of FUSA in under 10 years. After Balkanization is complete, hundreds of skilled armorers will begin churning out QUALITY Weaponry despite the Federal Govt.’s aim to “CONTROL” it. Are you Prepared to be…
Know Your History: Did France’s Gun Control Hurt Its Resistance to the Nazis?
Did France’s Gun Control Hurt Its Resistance to the Nazis? The Historical Record is Clear. As a Guerilla Force, You Don’t want to have to depend on SOMEBODY ELSE for your ARMS. Arm Up. Train Up. NEVER Give up Your GUNS!
The Story of a True Patriot
Man Sells Junk Guns To Buy-Back Program, Buys New Gun With Cash An older article but with all the dumb assery floating around regarding firearm “buy back” programs, I thought it relevant. When the Government give you Lemons, Make Moonshine! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous at All Cost!
Is Mass Murder a Fault or a Feature of Gun-Control?
Rob Morse Nails It AGAIN.👍 Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Universal Background Checks Don’t Work, so Why Do We Want More of Them?
Once again liberals prove the only reason they do anything regarding gun control legislation is to appease their voting bloc. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Learning From History: What the Versailles Treaty Teaches Us About Gun Control
What The Versailles Treaty Teaches Us About Gun Control There are so many good lessons history can teach us if we would only stop and heed them! The summary paragraph bears repeating: “In other words, vindictiveness and enforced disarmament failed. It failed because demonizing an entire group of people when the responsibility is much more…
A solution that works….
This Just In!
Farnam Quips: Who “Takes Care” of Me?
Who takes care of whom? “We will take care of you! You’re too stupid to take care of yourself. So, we’ll make sure you can’t take care of yourself. And by the way, we really can’t take care of you, nor do we care. But, we still know what’s best, and we’ll force…