While perusing Royal Tiger Imports C&R section the other day to see if on the off-hand chance they had any decent M1 Carbines left (they did not of course) I ran across a VZ-52 Rifle. This is a nice peculiar addition to any Cold War Collection to be sure. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!…
Tag: Firearms
Let’s Talk AK Ammo for Self-Defense
From the Archives, 2015 I get asked a TON of questions about ammo, with the most popular question being: “What is the best TYPE of ammo to use in an AK for self-defense?” My general response is typically “Whatever you have loaded at the time is fine, the perp won’t being filling out a…
More Training, Less Talking
I had a guy email me recently asking me: “Is it really that bad that we need to own all these weapons and train to protect ourselves every weekend?” “Our parents did not do this stuff, why are we?” “Are we getting duped into thinking that this TERRIBLE EVENT everybody is talking about is going to…
Oikos University Shooting Spree
The plague is now at nightmare proportions…more to come on this one http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/02/1-reportedly-dead-several-wounded-in-shooting-at-california-medical-school/
The “5 Gun” Theory
There is a lot to be said about having the right tool for the job..for one, it makes your job easier and typically, faster to complete. You have to summarize the task at hand and deduce what tool would do the job the best. A surgeon for instance, needs a scalpel, not a machete, a lumberjack needs a…