FGC-9 + D.R.U.M An FGC-9 mk2 seized by Brazlian police alongside the D.R.U.M, a 3D printable 9mm drum magazine.
Tag: Firearms
Homemade Firearms Twofer
Homemade MAC-10 Cartel grenade launcher factory raided
Impro Guns: Welder’s Nightmare
Welder’s Nightmare (Minas Gerais, Brazil) In case you were wondering, yes the cocaine is included with this contraption, as is a Life Insurance policy. 😂
Ammo Files: Don’t Use FMJ Ammo for Self-Defense
Don’t Use FMJ Ammo for Self-Defense Occasionally I’ll see someone using cheap, ball ammo for self defense. Sometimes this is borne out of simple frugality. More frequently it is the result of misunderstanding how modern, expanding, hollowpoint ammunition behaves. In this article I hope to convince you otherwise. Bottom line up front: don’t use…
The Community Quartermaster
H/T WRSA The Community Quartermaster A really good and practical read for the Serious Martial Citizen. The days are coming very soon where “Arm Thy Neighbor” will be the Rally Cry! The reality is not everybody is going to have a gun when the hammer drops and you are going to need multiple armed…
10 Double-Barrel Shotguns That Deliver Instant Defense
10 Double-Barrel Shotguns That Deliver Instant Defense Call me old fashioned but I have always liked having a double-barrel 12 gauge handy around the house. They are easy to use and load in a pinch (for all household members) plus there are very few problems that two rounds of OO Buck or #4 Buck…
What Common or Household Objects will Stop Bullets?
What Common or Household Objects will Stop Bullets? I highly recommend to all my readers to check out my fellow Texan Ole’ Painless’ site Box O’ Truth for very practical penetration testing. Remember: Gunfights never happen where you want them to!
The Five Worst Guns for Self-Defense
The Five Worst Guns for Self-Defense Some practical common sense advice. If you are going to carry a gun to protect your life and the life of your loved one’s, don’t be a cheap idiot: spend the money for a quality firearm and some quality training!
.22lr Sheet Metal Derringer
Does Carrying A Pistol Make You Safer?
I am reminded of the words of Jeff Cooper: “Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” “The Only thing that can stop a BAD guy with a gun is a GOOD guy with a gun.” “In the larger sense, however, the personal ownership of…