I remember when I started MOUT training, I heard the phrase “bullets follow walls, so stay away from walls.” I heard it and did it, but I had to eventually ask what it meant. Why do bullets follow walls? At 18, I had no idea what bullets did. I was told to shut up…
Tag: Firearm Training Tips
AK Corner: Operating the AK-74 in Ukraine
Great Tips for Reloading and Clearance Drills. Keep an eye on your Recoil Spring, if you keep having feed malfunctions, replace ASAP. Additional Resources: The Iraqi Reload Shooting from Behind Cover w/Transitions
Vehicle Cover & Concealment
Vehicle Cover & Concealment THE BASICS OF AUTOMOTIVE BALLISTICS Vehicle Close Quarter Battle (VCQB) was first developed by Will Petty of Centrifuge Training. The coursework in a VCQB class covers ballistics and gunfights in, out, and around vehicles and is targeted to law enforcement. While there was a time the concept was considered controversial, in the…
Condition One or None
The 5 Carry Conditions – How Do You Carry Your Handgun? I heard some scuttlebutt recently about folks carrying without a round in the chamber, ie “Israeli Carry” or Condition Three to guard against “Negligent Discharges” or ND’s. First off, When trouble comes knocking at your door, I can assure you he’s not going…
Shooting Mechanics: Pad and Press not Crook and Hook
Using the PAD of the finger, PRESS the trigger. Avoid HOOKING the trigger with the first knuckle joint.
10 Key Tips to Clearing Corners That May Save Your Ass
10 Key Tips to Clearing Corners That May Save Your Ass For the armed citizen, knowing how to properly and safely “Clear your Home” room by room, is an integral skill-set. I recommend practicing clearing your house at least once a month with a “dry run” (unloaded weapon when everybody is out of the…
Little Pistols — How Far Will They Shoot Accurately?
Little Pistols — How Far Will They Shoot Accurately? Recent events in FUSA like the Greenwood Mall shooting in Indiana earlier this year have made it evident that if you carry a handgun for self-defense you need to be ready and able to make a long distance shot if called upon. Here is a…
Practical-Tactical: Do Weapon Mounted Lights Make You a Target?
Do Weapon Mounted Lights Make You a Target? As the author points out the answer to this question is LIGHT DISCIPLINE. If you are going to mount a light on your carry firearm, TRAINING with that Weapon Mounted Light is imperative! This is why I don’t agree with Massad Ayoob when he says NOT…
How Realistic are Your Rifle Drills?
From the Archives, 2018 “The rifle is a weapon. Let there be no mistake about that. It is a tool of power, and thus dependent completely upon the moral stature of its user. It is equally useful in securing meat for the table, destroying group enemies on the battlefield, and resisting tyranny. In…
Every Man a Rifleman: Positional Drills
Most folks just practice with their firearm from the STANDING position because of the limitations of the FLAT RANGE but in reality we need to be shooting from all FOUR positions every time we train with a firearm (handgun or long gun). Standing Kneeling Sitting Prone Back Taking a Knee This is one…