H/T WRSA DTG’s 2021 Updated 10 Week (If You’re Lucky) Plan to Prepare for the Worst-Case Scenario This is an excellent Get Your Shit Together and Your Head out of Your Ass article! To reiterate the most important point: TIME is of the essence and everything mentioned is going to be harder to obtain…
Tag: Bug Out Bag
Going Mobile
From the Archives, 2016 A learned a long time ago that when shit goes bad, it goes bad in a hurry. Very often you will have little to no time to think about what you really need to do, you are just going to have to react. The seasoned prepper knows from experience that there…
Building your Kids a SHTF “Key Ring”
If you are a parent and are like me, for every thought that passes through your mind about preparation, survival and security, there is always another thought that follows close behind that ask how it applies to your kids. In going over a basic SHTF plan, most families have to consider that their is…
Outfitting your GO-RIG’s
All of us CO’s worth our salt have our “BUG-OUT” or “GO-BAGS” packed and ready to roll at this very minute, but how many of us have our “GO-RIGS” ready? A “GO-RIG” is another name for your fighting rig. This is the rig you transport mags & ammo for your Main Fighting Rifle and Sidearm….
The Vehicle Kit
There is a plethora of info out there about BOB’s, BUG’s and other really cool sounding 3 letter prepper acronyms so I won’t waste your time re-hashing old intel. I do however want to bring your attention to a very important piece of kit in the CO inventory: the Vehicle Kit. Now whether you keep…