After 9/11, accordingly there was a huge increase in airline passenger security awareness. The airlines made stringent regulations and we as Americans accepted it as what was best for us. Now, with the recent headlines of violence and chaos on domestic airline flights, I wanted to offer some brief thoughts for the Civilian Operator who is also the frequent flyer. Unfortunately, it…
**Actual** Close Quarters Shooting Vid
This happened in Brazil. The undercover cop was paying a bill when the perp walked in..just goes to show, when everybody might have a gun, crime has a good chance of being stopped before it starts. Some things to Note: (Since there is no audio, I am guessing from body language on some parts) As soon as cop…
Oikos University Shooting Spree
The plague is now at nightmare proportions…more to come on this one
The Combative Continuum
As you journey through the world of self-defense you will ultimately discover that few combat systems are compatible. For example, you may have one stance you learned in martial arts and another you learned for knife, another for your pistol and another for your rifle. Soon, your brain becomes jumbled and you have information overload….
Botched ATM Robbery Vid
Although I would never tell anybody to do this, since money is never worth dying over, this guy took the initiative and made the perp idiot pay for not paying attention! The Robbery was botched and the perp arrested a short time after.
Woman attacks people on American Flight….
You have to have a plan and be ready to take action where ever you find yourself…
South Carolina Man Brings Gun to Church…..
This goes to show having a CCL saves lives!
The Discretionary Mindset
With the recent headlines of the neighborhood watch shooting of Treyvon Martin by Martin Zimmerman in Sanford Florida, I thought it pertinent to touch upon the topic of discretion in relation to Concealed Carry and personal defense. Since the gun-prohibitionist movement wants to use this case to demonize ALL people who carry concealed firearms, I will be commenting on what we need…
“At Loggerheads”
BY HCS Technical Staff Disclaimer: HCS and any affiliated persons are not responsible for anything that may result from the use or misuse of the information below. The unauthorized interception of anyone’s communications without their consent or the appropriate legal authority is a serious crime in most jurisdictions. This information is for academic study and…
School Shooting in France
The plague is worldwide.