I have long said that CO should strive to support his LOCAL GUN SHOPS and smaller, less known firearm and ammo retailers versus the “Big Box” retailers like Wal-Mart, Academy, etc. Why? One need only to look at the latest tragedy in Charleston and the way the Government shamelessly exploited it to give leverage to the…
Expeditionary Warfare: Learning from the Falklands Campaign
IS THE U.S. MILITARY READY FOR A FALKLANDS WAR SCENARIO? Kenneth L. Privratsky In late March 1982, a naval task force departed the shores of Argentina under the pretense of participating in an exercise with Uruguay. Days later it arrived offshore of the Falkland Islands, an archipelago in the South Atlantic with 1,850 inhabitants…
Bad Ass of the Week
A good friend frequently sends me these, and although the language is a bit over the top at times, it sure makes for entertaining reading. I mean even if it is a half-baked propaganda stunt, a dude that is named “The Angel of Death” and looks like and I quote: ” A combination of Kratos…
Learning from Terrorist Tactics: Becoming Anonymous
In a recent article in Jihad Watch Robert Spencer talks about how the 24 year old jihadist who committed the Tunisian Resort Massacre last week where 39 people were killed and at least 39 others were wounded, managed, before the attack, to go completely un-noticed by the public. As Spencer points out, this is clearly due…
Thoughts on AIWB
by Paul Howe Recently a well-known tactical instructor decided not to allow students to carry inside the waist band in his classes. This is his right. I will not bad mouth him for it. Others jumped on the band wagon. I will continue to teach it and here are my reasons. First, I am an…
“An Unjust Law is No Law at All”
We no longer have a Government that operates according to the Constitution. The PROCESS OF LAW has been ILLEGALLY tampered with and most likely permanently changed to fit a liberal agenda. Former Governor Mike Huckabee brings out some alarming facts about the Supreme Courts so called “ruling” on same sex Marriage. RESIST AND REJECT JUDICIAL TYRANNY!
British Armed Forces Day/ US PTSD Month & Day
The South Did Rise Again
Reconstruction as America’s First Failure in Counterinsurgency Wikicommons:Freedmen’s Schoolhouse Burns in 1866 Memphis Riot Warfare is often cited as the continuation of politics by other means, but the difference can be quite blurry. This is particularly the case in the tense period after the settlement of conventional hostilities, or in the insurgency that sometimes follows…
De-Constructing Hybrid Warfare
Hybrid war- does it even exist? (Original Article in NATO Review) The recent Russian intervention in Ukraine has generated much debate about the use and effectiveness of hybrid warfare, a type of warfare widely understood to blend conventional/unconventional, regular/irregular, and information and cyber warfare. An analyst looks at code in the malware lab of a…
7 Things You Didn’t Know About the Civil War
Dear Readers, As a Lover of History, I felt it was TIME TO DISPENSE WITH THE HISTORICAL INACCURACIES. Please seek out the truth for yourselves. And just so you know, the lame-stream media and the Government are bad places to start. -HCS Staff Article By Daniel Amduri With all of the controversy surrounding the Confederate…