Heys guys and gals, I want to apologize, I had TWO of my most generous sponsors products scheduled for field test this month: Gorilla Ammo’s Awesome 175gr Sierra Match King .308 Load Impact Weapons Components much awaited Mini-CQB Weapons Light But due to some unforeseen technical and shipping issues, these will have to be…
Has America Surpassed the EU in Cowardice toward Terrorism?
I ask that question based on a recent article in the Daily Beast concerning Hezbollah operating in Europe. The wording in this article is very strange, but yet, eerily familiar. Here is an example: “The Lebanese terror group continues to operate in Europe despite warnings from the EU. What will Brussels do about it?” “In other…
Vengeance, not Rememberance
When you read this letter, reflect on the recent tragedy where 4 Marines and a Navy Sailor were murdered by a terrorist. With the current attitude in this country being primarily “remembrance of our heroes” is that what these warriors would really want? Is that the best way to honor their warrior legacy and ethos,…
Listen up folks, in under 3 minutes this blonde pistol breaks it down..nice to hear some plain ole’ Good American TRUTH some times isn’t it? Goes to show that most of us out there in Zombie Land have become so dumbed down by lib-tard PROPAGANDA networks (yes even Fox) that when somebody actually tells the…
Disaster: Today’s Warrior Purge in the U.S. Military
A clarion call of WARNING that our Military is in dire straits folks…SF “Where do we find such men?” (Original article in American Thinker) That memorable line comes from James Mitchner’s Korean War novel, The Bridges of Toko-Ri. It refers to intrepid aviators lifting from a carrier, flying into untold danger. They know they may not return.
The Top 8 Deadly Myths About Survivalism
When it comes to material about Survival on this blog, I like the more practical, down-to-earth stuff like this, which not surprisingly is getting harder and harder to find as more of the “snake oil” survivalist come out of the woodwork . Trust me when I say this folks: Common sense goes a long way…
Obama’s Plan to Take Guns from Seniors and the Disabled
Hmmm..where have I heard about this before: Marginalizing segments of society because of medical reasons so you can slowly but surely strip them of their rights and be rid of them. Let me guess next is mass Euthanasia programs and then a final solution? What’s scary is obama care is gonna help him do it…
Fighting ISIS: We should admit that what we are doing is a Containment Strategy
As I have said before, the obama administration DOES NOT have a strategy to fight Terrorism, either abroad or here at home, other than using Drones to kill people, which technically last time I checked, does not qualify as a “strategy.” I don’t think calling what the U.S. is currently doing in Iraq and Syria…
Gun Control: The Killer’s Best Friend
I am thankful for The Federalist and their staff for actively providing a counter-narrative to the anti-gun lib-tard propaganda that just recently got published in Newsweek…we knew it was coming,..it seemed the lib’s missed their chance with the last shooting in Charleston but got their confederate flag agenda pushed thru instead, so they were sure…
The Attitude that is Getting Americans Killed…
This is the attitude of political correctness toward islam that cost 4 GOOD Marines and now a Navy Petty Officer who was wounded but succumbed to his wounds Saurday their lives and will without a doubt, cost many more innocent lives. Wake up people, we are on our own in this thing…SF Former FBI assistant…