This is the second installment about Drones and the CO. The first one can be read HERE. By Hammerhead As Drone (UAV) Technology grows, so will the expanding creativity in how to exploit it. Add to this the growing concern and at times, outright resentment, of how the Military and Local, State and Federal Law…
Texans Protect your Right to Hunt and Fish and Support Proposition 6!
Your vote to ratify Proposition 6 will create permanent protections for sportsmen and conservation in Texas. It will protect the Lone Star State’s outdoor heritage for future generations of Texas hunters and anglers. Proposition 6 will protect the Lone Star State’s outdoor heritage for future generations of Texas hunters and anglers. Voting YES on…
So this is where “Multiculturalism” has Got Us?
Multiculturalism and the Rise of Islamic Terrorism By Ralph Sidway William Kilpatrick offers a broad analysis of how “the multicultural experiment of elevating other cultures by denigrating our own” fosters widespread detachment from our civilizational identity, and breeds allies for Islamic supremacism: “As befits two movements with global ambitions, the leftist-Islamist alliances are cropping up all…
Enemy Collaborators in our Midst
A Strange Turn of History By Michael Devolin “In a strange turn of history, the threat of global nuclear war has gone down, but the risk of a nuclear attack has gone up.” –BHO, 2009 While reading Philip Taubman’s book The Partnership, a story about “five Cold Warriors and their quest to ban the bomb,”…
Some Deep Thinking from a Grunt who has BTDT
“I Feel Like We Are Just Skimming the Surface of our Problems” By Peter Lucier Best Defense Council of the Former Enlisted We are not winning this hot wash. There is something rotten in the stories we tell. We are swimming in shallow water. I did a radio interview recently. Before the show, the host…
With all the Political Back-and-Forth Going on, This is How I feel, How about You?
Largest Standing Army in the World: American Hunters
“Take Heart, we are many and they are few.”..not so fast. Ask yourself, how many of these 12 million will truly stand UP to tyranny when the day comes? If we use the tried and true percentage of 3% (of 12.7 Million) then that only leaves 381,000 Armed Men. Out of those 381K, how many…
France: Two U.S. Marines overpower Muslim who opened fire on Train
It appears as of late that it PAYS to have Marines around, no matter the location, situation or if they are ARMED or not, because if there is trouble, I Guarantee they will do everything to stop it..One Mind, Any Weapon! God Bless our Military and the USMC. -SF By Robert Spencer “The…
AK-47 clone used to DEFEND Home and Family
Well, once again a law abiding citizen defends his HOME and FAMILY against a bunch of Thugs with the so called “Evil Rifle”….when will the lib-tard disarmist get the message that citizens NEED to have weapons like this so they are not outgunned by the criminals? Every man should have at least 5 Guns, but…