So on that note, My good “be a prepper too” friends (ha ha, made a joke Mike) at County-Comm have sent me a few more things to Review for you guys, and I have to say, one of them is my favorite so far. All 3 pieces of this gear is a definite “Must Have” for…
TX Knife Law Preemption Takes Effect Today
This is a HUGE win for folks that live in San Antonio or Corpus. As a Fellow Texan, I join with you today in celebrating this victory of tyranny. Those of us that support the Second Amendment must also remember to support Knife Rights in America! ( Today is the effective date for Knife…
The Age of the Data Broker: Where Information is King
By Hammerhead Cyber crime is evolving as fast as the technology in which it exploits. Hackers no longer are content in just stealing your money outright; they have realized the real prize, the real pay dirt, is raw DATA. The criminals have realized that the new billionaires in the tech world are no longer the software and…
What the 10th Anniversary of Katrina Meant (and did) for me
The lame-stream lib-tard media had a real field day with the 10th Anniversary of Katrina…wow, they really took it to another level, didn’t they? I could not even escape it watching Pre-Season Football for God Sakes..the one last refuge and place of relaxation any man has!! During the Texans and the Saints game, I had…
5 Battlefield Innovations that came from the Rank-and-File Troops
by Mike Denny It’s not always the think tanks and military scientists who invent new military equipment. Military personnel are a crafty bunch. They surprise their commanders and buddies with many good — and, let’s be honest, some bad — innovations. Some of these battlefield creations even surprise the teams of scientists and industry…
VetiGel: The Future of Stopping Traumatic Bleeding
If this get’s approved, it will save countless lives on the battlefield and on the mean streets….
Meet the American Civilian Operator’s Fighting ISIS
These brave CO’s represent the best of America IMO and it is no surprise to me at least that the majority are from TEXAS! Thank God there is still a small remnant of people who cannot turn a blind eye to the atrocities being committed by ISIS against Christians and are not waiting until ISIS…
Netflix Pix: Narcos
Netflix has really been on the international rise the last couple of years. Their worldwide popularity and millions of subscribers have allowed them to invest in several Original Series projects. I have discussed some of those series here before; Marco Polo, Peaky Blinders and their newest addition, Sense8. Netflix latest international venture, Narcos is…
This is a guest article from CR Williams, firearms instructor and author of several books on self-defense and firearms use (see our reviews of his book Facing the Active Shooter and Gunfighting, and Other Thougts About Doing Violence). You can follow him at In Shadow In Light — Shepherd You can’t stop with…
Conflicts Between Conservationists And Gun Owners Threaten Gun Rights On Public Land
Recreational gun owners have been shooting in national forests for years, but the practice is under threat due to increasing conflicts between gun owners and conservationists. Officials in several states have launched efforts to restrict shooting on public lands. The Bureau of Land Management enacted a two-year ban on target shooting in the Lake…