I would like to think my friend Mr. A for sending me this link and picture; he is always on the lookout for interesting “security” issues for the CO and I am grateful for his diligence!-SF This photo was taken in Canada and shows about 700,000 people. Pick on a small part of the …
The Chip and Pin Credit Card Hack
THE CHIP-ENABLED CREDIT card system long used in Europe, a watered down version of which is rolling out for the first time in America, is meant to create a double check against fraud. In a so-called “chip-and-PIN” system, a would-be thief has to both steal a victim’s chip-enabled card and be able to enter…
Cartel Corner #6: Cartel Control of the Mexican Media
Once again the Cartels iron grip over certain media outlets in Mexico has been put on full display for all to see. With the recent arrest in Matamoros of one of the Gulf Cartel’s (CDG) most powerful leaders, Angel Eduardo “El Orejon or Ciclon 7” Rodriguez Prado and the resulting gun battles that ensued, between Prado’s…
Let’s Regulate Guns like Cars: a Comical look at a Hypothetical Scenario
By Rob Morse Louisiana- (Ammoland.com)- There is a popular idea that we should regulate firearms the way we regulate automobiles. Really? Let’s see where that road leads. I wrote this for fun, but I was amazed at the ways we infringe on the right to bear arms. Tell me what you think if we regulated firearms…
Things are getting Stupid in Austin….
Really?? Leave it to the lib-tards in Austin to pull a stunt like this. Just goes to show when confronted with the truth, they cannot respond with a legitimate, civil response, but must resort to a ridiculous PR stunt like this to get noticed. It is Sad that these confused people do not realize the…
Saving Stupid
Surviving a four-foot wave of mud is incredible. When over 115 passenger cars and 75 semi-trucks filled with hundreds of people do it uninjured, it’s a miracle. That miracle happened in Kern County California on Thursday, October 15, 2015, when heavy rains hit hard and the torrent of water unleashed the hillsides adjacent to Highway…
Historical Movie Review: Bridge of Spies (2015)
As a student and history buff of all things Cold War, I had been looking forward to this movie for some time. Although I cannot say I had I had high hopes, since it has been a while since a decent Cold War era movie has been made that is even memorable. But seeing that…
Cartel Corner #4: War! Three Miles South of Brownsville, TX
Just 3 miles south of Brownsville, Texas, in the city of Matamoros, Mexico, a small-scale war is raging, and this war is not your typical drug cartel violence that most of the local residents have grown accustomed too. No, this war is the result of the capture of the Gulf Cartel’s top leaders, Angel Eduardo “Ciclon…
If You’re not Paranoid, You’re Crazy
As government agencies and tech companies develop more and more intrusive means of watching and influencing people, how can we live free lives? By Walter Kirn I knew we’d bought walnuts at the store that week, and I wanted to add some to my oatmeal. I called to my wife and asked her where she’d…
Combat Dog Who earned Bronze Stars in Iraq Shot and Killed in Wyoming
Having seen military working dogs in action, I can tell you they are not only worth their weight in gold in combat but also in rehabilitation when they are brought home to soldiers with PTSD. I hope that both the case gets investigated and if any wrongdoing occurred, the man gets prosecuted and also that…