With the comfort and hindsight of a half-century, President Harry Truman’s decision to commit American power to save South Korea from Communist aggression in late June 1950 stands as perhaps America’s finest moment of the Cold War. By making a difficult commitment, by sacrificing 50,000 American lives in the end, Truman upheld Western values…
Cartel Corner #17: The Case of Pedro Huerta’s Tombstone
In Mexico City International Airport yesterday a drug sniffing dog is getting an extra bowl of kibble due to discovering 22 Kilos of Marijuana hidden inside, of all things, a tombstone. The unusual item came through customs in a large wooden crate. It was addressed to somewhere in the United States and had the sender…
“Thankfully There’s a Nice Tree Here….”
Rocket Scientist of the Year Award Right Here Folks: I came across this video which tells the story of a fellow Texan near Austin (Onion Creek to be exact) getting swept away in flood water in his car this past Friday and then climbing out onto a tree through his car window and doing a…
Colombian Mercs in Yemen?
The Arabian Dream: Colombians Taking Part in Yemen War Some 800 former Colombian military troops will enter the city port of Aden in Yemen, switching the jungle terrain of their home country for the deserts of Arabia. The former Colombian army troops will join a coalition of allied international troops fighting Shiite rebels. They will operate under…
The Syrian “Refugee” Myth: The Bullshit gets Deeper
Jihad by Migration Folks. The Islamic Invasion of Europe right before our eyes. -SF What the media won’t tell you is that many of these so-called ‘refugees’ actually have loads of money in their pockets and pricey iPhones – phones that are out of reach for the same shopkeepers whose free WiFi the Muslim freeloaders…
Stolen Valor Fratricide
As a Veteran, I have to second this guy’s plea; we have gone too far in checking these poser idiots when we start attacking our own!! Come on Fellas! I say enough is enough; follow this guy’s advice if you feel that strongly about it; get the authorities involved.-SF Tell the truth about what you…
Knowing Your Enemy: Mujahideen, The Strategic Tradition of Sunni Jihadism
By Brett A. Friedman The world is in the grips of the group known as ISIS. Unable to look away but equally unable to fathom the group’s extreme violence, the civilized world marvels at a terrorist threat that is seemingly al Qaeda cranked up to eleven. Its media blitzkrieg has recently been described by Jessica…
Daily Dose of Truth
I am sick and tired of the Mainstream media apologists that keep putting out Hillary’s liar fires about Benghazi. STOP DEFENDING HER!! (BTW, THE CARTOONIST WAS SPOT ON, CHECK OUT HILLARY’S “CANKLES”)
Psychological Warfare Files: Ghost Tape #10 and Operation Wandering Soul
“Vietnamese legends held that on the anniversary of a person’s death, a spiritual channel between our world and the afterlife can open making communication possible. Was this just such a phenomenon?” JUST AFTER dusk on the night of Feb. 10, 1970, the jungles near the U.S. Army’s Fire Support Base Chamberlain in Hau Niga Province, South Vietnam…
The Social Science of Online Radicalization
As Charlie Winter noted recently at War on the Rocks, the Islamic State’s robust social media apparatus has been propagating a remarkably effective, multi-faceted communications strategy that incorporates narratives of statehood, military success, and religious legitimacy. The Islamic State’s success in using social media to disseminateits extremist ideas and mobilize tens of thousands of foreign…