Steven Spielberg’s most recent movie, Bridge of Spies, tells the story of a Cold War prisoner exchange between the Soviet Union and the US. The deal allowed US spy plane pilot Gary Powers to return home – but once there he faced a chorus of criticism. Gary Powers had been in flight for four hours…
Historical Study: Mead and the Vikings
Being a European in the Early Middle Ages was rough. “Barbarians,” such as the Franks and Vandals that destroyed the Roman Empire were settling into kingdoms in their own right. Dynasties like the Carolingians and Merovingiansdominated Western Europe. Diseases, poverty, and starvation were rampant. However, the Early Middle Ages had another looming threat: Vikings. All…
Summary of BHO’s Proposed Gun Regulations
Yesterday’s speech by BHO amounted to a “Tempest in a Teacup” IMO and ranks right up there with some of the most nauseating political theater I have seen in a long while. I will be posting my own 2 cents on this goat rodeo later today. It will be short and succinct I promise. In…
Military History: The Lasting Influence of the Ancient Greeks on the Modern Military
Written more than two thousand years ago, texts by ancient Greeks still have a major impact on the modern militaries of today in numerous ways. At the start of the Cold War, the then US secretary of state, George Marshall, read the histories of Herodotus and Thucydides, convinced that the events of the Peloponnesian War…
Historical Study: Ivan the Terrible’s Military Arsenal Found
The full arsenal of a military commander who served Ivan the Terrible has been uncovered in Russia, the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has announced. Found during a survey for a highway expansion outside Zvenigorod, an ancient town 18 miles west of Moscow, the cache consists of helmets stored in leather…
Navy SEAL Sniper Instructor Describes America’s Best Marksman Ever
In this excerpt from The Red Circle: My Life In The Navy SEAL Sniper Corps And How I Trained America’s Deadliest Marksmen, former Navy SEAL sniper instructor Brandon Webb, describes the deadliest sniper in US military history. Everything I’d experienced in the navy up to this point, from those early days as an aircrew search-and-rescue…
Tradecraft: How to Pick a Lock
The reason you have stumbled upon this guide is likely to answer these two questions: Is it difficult to learn how to pick a lock? How do I learn this craft of lock picking? In regards to the first question, learning how to pick a lock is in fact a very simple skill to acquire….
National Readiness Impossible without Personal Readiness
By John Farnam “Who will not admit he is wrong, cannot repent of his mistake. Who cannot repent of his mistakes, cannot learn from them. Who cannot learn from their mistakes, are doomed to repeat them!” ~ Anon “Given that some attacks have been stopped by gun-carrying civilians, Israeli Public Security Minister, Gilad Erdan, in…
U.S. Voter Database Mysteriously Appears Online in the Open
A misconfigured database has provided users of the World Wide Web access to 191 million voter records. White hat hacker Chris Vickery happened upon the leaky system and sent CSO’s Steve Ragan his personal voter record to prove it. “It was current based on the elections listed. My personal information was accurate too,” Ragan writes….
Crusader Corner: The Myth of the ‘Moderate Muslim’
“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” – The Quran, Surah 9:5 When it comes to the global scourge of orthodox Islam, the Western world, which Islamists expressly seek to “destroy from within,” is an upside-down realm wherein objective…