Free Syrian Army agent says his agents have been providing the US agency with GPS positions of its leaders and headquarters but the US has failed to act The “spymaster” of a key moderate Syrian rebel group has accused the CIA of failing to act on reams of detailed intelligence his network has been supplying…
Israel Watch: Israeli Drones Set To Take Over The World’s Skies
Israel is by far the largest exporter of military drones in the world. Take the AirMule from UrbanAero. It could have flown right off the pages of a Batman comic book. Designed to take off and land vertically with up to 1,400 pounds of cargo and zip through the air at over 100mph, this drone is…
Brush-Up on Your History: The Four Forgotten Men Who Secretly Put Adolf Hitler in Power
In 1929, Adolf Hitler was a strange combination of has-been and never-was. The fame and following he’d garnered after his failed 1923 coup d’etat–and subsequent jailing and publication of his autobiography (Mein Kampf)–had severely waned. His Nazi party had a paltry number of seats in Parliament and showed no signs of picking up steam. The…
Know Your Weapons: “Carlo” The Cheap, “Go-To” Gun For Palestinian Terrorist
Ater the knife, one of the most notable symbols to emerge from six months of Palestinian attacks in Israel and the West Bank has been the “Carlo,” otherwise known as the Carl Gustav submachine gun. The homemade or craft-produced rudimentary automatic weapon has been used in the majority of shooting attacks on Israeli civilians and…
Profiles in Courage: Gisella Perl, The “Angel of Auschwitz”
Forced to work for the notorious Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, Gisella Perl risked all to save as many lives as she could. This is her incredible, heartbreaking story. We have previously shared the story of Stanislawa Leszczyńska, a midwife at Auschwitz who delivered almost 3,000 babies while imprisoned in the concentration camp. But while…
The ABC’s of Gun Safety from an EMT’s Perspective
Really Excellent Article on Gun Safety from a Perspective I thing we all can Appreciate..the Guy you call to Patch you up when a Band-Aid won’t suffice!-SF To begin, let me tell you why you need to read this article and absorb what I have to say. In just my small town, and just…
Brush-Up on Your History: How the Assassination of Julius Caesar Changed The World
Caesar’s death paved the way for the Roman empire after a bloody cycle of civil wars, and secured him the hallowed immortality he always craved Spurinna was a haruspex. His calling was vital, if a little unusual, requiring him to see the future in the warm entrails of sacrificial animals. At the great festival…
World War Two History: Meet the U.S. Army’s EOD Pioneers
“More than 2,000 men served in the U.S. Army’s elite bomb disposal teams during the war. Yet American UXB squads received very little media coverage owing to their secrecy and small numbers.” WHEN PEOPLE THINK about Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians, many envision soldiers in blast suits with remote-controlled robots, tracking down IEDs like something out…
Military Defense News: USMC Asst. Commandant Warns USMC is NOT Ready for Another Big Conflict
A President is the Commander-in-Chief of ALL the Armed Forces. His Primary and FIRST Job is to ensure this Nation is Defended and Safe, regardless of Politics. This POTUS for the last 7 years has Failed miserably in that task….and like all screw ups that occur in the White House, it is going to cost…
Obscure Weapons: Techno-Arms MAG-7 Shotgun
The MAG-7 is an unusual shotgun made in South Africa in the 1990s, and imported to the US in small numbers. The idea of the gun was to offer maximum firepower in the smallest package possible, and to this end the gun had no buttstock and a 12.6 inch (320mm) barrel. It was chambered for…