Next-generation Russian nuclear submarines may use composite structures — imagine something akin to a cutting-edge carbon fiber — in an attempt to drastically reduce their acoustical signatures. But this wouldn’t be the first time Moscow has experimented with novel materials to build submarines. Before its collapse, the Soviet Union pioneered the use of titanium hulls…
War Movies Worth a Damn: April 9th
This movie can be watched on Solar Movie. Another great WW2 Film about Denmark is Flame and Citron (Currently on Netflix and Solar Movie). It goes on to show that although Denmark’s initial military resistance to the Nazi’s was not successful, the continued Guerilla Resistance through subversion, sabotage and assassinations were. -SF I had never heard of…
A Special Surprise Delivery: The Army’s New Deadly “Shipping Container”
The U.S. Army has acquired a number of shipping containers that have been converted to remote weapons stations. Each container hides a machine gun, grenade launcher, or even an anti-tank weapon, and can detect and respond to enemy fire. According to Defense News, the Army is showing the system off at the Association of the U.S….
Inspirational: Green Beret takes Matters (and the Enemy) Into His Own Hands
Before you lay your head down on your pillow each night, THANK GOD there are men like this roaming around in the night all over the world taking out the trash so you don’t have too. This is also a great lesson in having that combative “killer instinct” attitude when fighting for your life! -SF…
The Persian Army of Xerxes is Preparing to TRY and Rule the World….Again.
Ever see the movie 300? or it’s not so great sequel 300: Rise of an Empire? Yeah the enemy the Greeks are fighting in those movies are the Persians…the ancestors of the modern day Quds Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah. -SF Iran preparing to dispatch snipers, commandos to Syria As Russia announces pullout, Tehran says it…
Brush-Up on Your History: Failed Constitutional Amendments That Would Have Changed How America Wages War
The U.S. has mulled a few constitutional amendments, including some radical ideas about the government and warfare. What if war were unconstitutional? Yes, it sounds like something John Lennon would say, but it was actually an attempted amendment to the Constitution in 1927. Alternatively, what if the U.S. was unable to supply equipment, aid, or…
Survival Tips: How to Make Fire with a Lemon
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
The Long History of “Little Green Men” Tactics and How They Were Defeated
In both Crimea and the subsequent fighting in the Donbas region of Ukraine, Russia’s signature tactic has been the use of so-called “Green Men,” soldiers without identifying insignia whose identity as Russian soldiers the Kremlin denied. Ukraine, Georgia, and even NATO members like Estonia now fear that they could be the next target for Russia’s…
DARPA Will Pay You To Make A Homemade Bomb? Yeah Right….
You know those “warrant roundup” stings you see on TV sometimes…where the local Sheriffs office disguises itself as a company giving away free TV’s or something all in an effort to lure folks with Warrants out into the open? Yeah, this sounds like something similar….DARPA has enough brain power to build a nuclear reactor, much…
Health Warnings: A Mysterious Bacterial Disease Is Killing People in Wisconsin
SINCE NOVEMBER, 54 PEOPLE in Wisconsin have one by one fallen ill with an obscure kind of bacteria called Elizabethkingia. Fifteen have died from the infection. Elizabethkingia is common in the environment—in soil, in water—but it rarely gets people sick. Cases pop up in ones and twos, usually in people with weak immune systems, says Michael Bell, deputy…