The 1904 conflict foreshadowed bloodier events The Russo-Japanese War commenced 112 years ago this February, lasting 18 months before a U.S.-brokered truce mercifully put it to rest. The war killed upwards of 125,000 people, and sharply limited Russian influence in Northeast Asia. Japan gained control of Korea and a long-term foothold for influencing events in Manchuria and…
Cold War Files: Military Records on U.S. Role in Run-up to 1976 Argentine Military Coup to be De-Classified
President Barack Obama will move to declassify U.S. military and intelligence records related to Argentina‘s “Dirty War,” the White House said Thursday, aiming to bring closure to questions of U.S. involvement in a notorious chapter in Argentina’s history. Obama’s visit to Buenos Aires next week coincides with the 40th anniversary of the 1976 military coup…
Military Defense News: “Railgun” Projectiles That Can Travel at Mach 6
New “bullets” for military railguns, which could strike enemy targets traveling at a whopping six times the speed of sound, are being tested. Electromagnetic railguns and lasers are two technologies the military is harnessing as an alternative to gunpowder. The U.S. Navy is pioneering the futuristic weapons that could play a vital role in future…
Black Lives Matter College Debate Team Argues “Whites Should Die”
More proof that BLM is nothing but a militant black hate group that gets preferential treatment from liberal universities and the media. Ask yourself why this was not front page news or the latest hot button topic with Talking Heads on T.V….easy answer: They are Black. If some White Kids had said this, they would…
Cyber-Warfare: Policing The Dark Web and How it Can Effect National Sovereignty
Cops hack into foreign computers to find cyber criminals As crime continues to proliferate on the so-called dark web, law enforcement agencies are sometimes having to work outside of their jurisdiction. When a suspected criminal acts on the dark web, authorities are unlikely to know where in the world he or she is physically located….
Soldier of Fortune Magazine Issues Final Print Issue and They are Still Kicking Ass!
I am definitely one of the kids SOF influenced back in the day to join the military…THANK YOU Colonel Brown for all you have done..Your Support of ALL Veterans, including those returning from Vietnam back in the 70’s will never be forgotten. And although we will not see you in print anymore, we will definitely…
Cartel Corner #67: Juarez Cartel Bankrolling Politicians Re-Election Through Shell Companies
What is really amazing to me is the number of people out there who think type of thing ONLY goes on in Mexico and Central and South America. The big difference in the U.S. is the “Cartels” are called Corporations. -SF An in-depth investigation has revealed that through the use of shell companies, members of…
Crusader Corner: Tracking Down Salah Abdeslam
Man Hunting, The Sport of Security Forces Bottom Line Up Front Intelligence agencies must cooperate more rapidly and proactively to counter ISIS’ rapid and haphazard operational tempo. Clandestine operatives must rely on support networks that include overt members of the public. These networks are easily mapped out based on metadata available to nation state…
Up Close and Personal in the Russian/Ukranian Conflict
Things have been various levels of blistering between the Ukraine and Russia over the Crimean Peninsula for a long time now. Recently we came across a compilation of front-line footage that was released late last year. Body cameras aren’t just popular for surfing and skydiving anymore. Inside you’ll gain some insights on some of the heavier…
Dose of Truth
I have a better Slogan for T-Shirt: HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016 BECAUSE WE REMEMBER BENGHAZI 2012