Via: Evil White Guy Disappearing Cheap Labor Mexicans My first job after the Army was framing houses and apartments. I did this early 80s to mid 90s. About 98% of the framers were White. Both in Colorado and California. I started out at 9$ hour as an apprentice until I was making 6-7 times…
4GW: Drone Swarm – Coming Soon to a Zip Code Near You
Morning Laugh
Race Reality Twofer
Sunday Laugh Trifecta
No Clips on Pockets
No Clips on Pockets Concealed weapons offer a two-fold advantage: they provide force multiplying capability, and they provide the element of surprise. I make no bones about the fact that I think open carry of a pistol is ill advised, most of the time. If there is a choice to conceal the handgun, that is…
On This Day in History: February 1, 1968
1968 Saigon police chief Nguyễn Ngọc Loan executes Viet Cong officer Nguyễn Văn Lém with a pistol shot to the head.
Me in 20 Years with my Dog Peanut Acting out a scene from Highlander
Good Question
Via: WRSA “Hey @realdonaldtrump: When do we get ANY bill that prosecutes and deports JEWS for ‘Anti-Christianism? Asking for a Friend.”