Via: DTI Ammunition This, from friends in the ammunition-manufacturing business: “Right now, most components are reasonably available, but that will begin to change soon! Two weeks ago, the CCP precipitously announced that it was discontinuing the export to the USA of nitrocellulose and antimony. These two products are indispensable in the production of…
Assault Bicycle Ideals from 1896
I don’t know about you, but I see this thing screaming for an UPGRADE!
Haitian Immigration Would Be Bad, Actually, Even If They Were Vegans
Haitian Immigration Would Be Bad, Actually, Even If They Were Vegans If you read Peter Brimelow’s Alien Nation, you’ll find that Haitian immigration was a problem even in the 90s, when then-President Bill Clinton was “forced to order the interception of boats carrying would-be illegal immigrants from Haiti on the high seas” because of America’s…
F.B.I. Home Visit Master Class
Badass American delivers a masterclass in handling the FBI’s unconstitutional visit to his home Bottom line: Cameras make crooks nervous, especially crooks with badges. Record any and all interactions you have with local, State and Federal Law Enforcement. Understand that the FBI (and all other Unconstitutional Federal Law Enforcement) has regressed into modern day…
When Voting Fails
When Voting Fails Historically speaking, the purpose of voting was largely to provide some form of “revolutionary” capacity to change the leadership of a people without violence. The higher powers might not allow the decision (i.e., fix an election) or may offer false choices, but the goal was to ameliorate the passions of the…
Words of Wisdom
Mossad Pager Bombs
Lebanon: Pagers Apparently Exploding and Blowing Pieces Off of People At least eight people were killed and about 2,750 were wounded by exploding handheld pagers across Lebanon. We appear to have entered into a whole new era of bizarre warfare, where consumer electronics can be triggered to explode and kill you or seriously injure/deform…