“You hid in that ditch because you think there is still Hope, but the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already Dead. And the sooner you accept that the sooner you will be able to function as a Soldier is supposed to function: Without mercy, without compassion, without remorse….
Von Steuben Training: Hurricane Helene’s Response, Parts 1 and 2
Hurricane Helene Response Part 1: Interview with Tacticon Armament Hurricane Helene Response Part 2: Execution AAR
Time to Stock up on Horse and Dog De-Wormer
Looks Like I Was Right This is one of those very unique times (yet again) where all of us fellow “Far Right Conspiracy Nuts” can revel in the fact that indeed, YES! “We Called It” in regards to Ivermectin. Read it for yourself, HERE and HERE. And then watch how the lying and murdering…
Crime Awareness: There is No Safety in Staying Stationary!
Via: DTI “Safe” Inside a Stationary Vehicle? Two weeks ago, on I90 near Cleveland, OH, the entire freeway was blocked, taken-over, and completely shut down for more than a hour by a mob of street thugs who then accosted stalled motorists. No escape was allowed! Frantic 911 calls from stranded motorists were answered…
Happy White Man Pioneer Day
Got Camo?
H/T: The Outlaw Josey Wales Take a minute and evaluate your Camo Situation. If it needs improvement, rectify it now. There is some amazing Camouflage for the Hunter and Martial Civilian alike out there DO NOT Make it Easy for Them!
The Future of White America
H/T: The Outlaw Josey Wales Kudos to these Amazing White Farmer Parents who raised their children from birth to replace them. THIS IS THE WAY.
Disaster Preparedness Flashback: DIY Water Filtration System
Survival DIY: Build An Emergency Water Filtration System Events of the past month dictate we prioritize some skill-set’s and basic projects NOW. Water is LIFE. Always start with WATER.
Setting the Record Straight
Local, Local, Local! – Aerial Recovery & Hurricane Helene
The POS Gangsters in D.C. are NOT Coming to Save You. When Local and Regional Communities and State Resources Coordinate there is Nothing We Cannot Do. WE ARE IT.