Texas Braces for Final Biden-Era Migrant Surge, Illinois Extends Welcome Mat Pack light you bean eating vultures, because come January you are either going straight back to where you came from or be given a 62 grain lobotomy, the choice is yours.
Know Your Southern History: Causes of Southern Secession in the Upper South, Part 1
Part 1: Causes of Southern Secession in the Upper South “If centralism is ultimately to prevail; if our entire system of free Institutions as established by our common ancestors is to be subverted, and an Empire is to be established in their stead; if that is to be the last scene of the great…
Morning Laugh
Elderly White Man Drops Truth Bomb on Disgusting She-Boon 😂
Behold the Meme Lord Humungus
H/T The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Surveillance State: When HAL says “NO”
Via: Bruce Charlton’s Notions I’m sorry, Greg, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” The totalitarian “internet of things” here-and-now, and going-ahead, regardless… “Greg” is a engineer/ pilot tech vlogger whose aircraft stuff is second to none. He also does things about cars, which I don’t usually look-at – but I took a look…
Rock-Bottom Meal Plan for Those Weeks When Money Is Tight
Via: The Organic Prepper Rock-Bottom Meal Plan for Those Weeks When Money Is Tight Things are tough in America right now. Many of us are forced to reallocate our money from one necessity to another and often, the thing that suffers first is our diets. If times are tight, you might find…
Setting Up the Big Crash to be the Big “Savior”?
Via: Evil White Guy Setting-Up I was happy Trump won. He was, without a doubt, the lesser of the two evils. However, going forward, we must always keep the big picture in mind: At the end of the day, he’s still just a billionaire zionist politician working inside a flawed and corrupt…
Some Memery For Phil over at Bustednuckles
Just found out my buddy Phil over at Bustednuckles Blog has not been feeling too hot. So in hopes of bringing a smile or a chuckle or two, here’s some memery from the Hermit Vault. Hang Tough Phil, we’re all with you Brother! …
Guerilla Warfare History: Say Nothing
Say Nothing This 9 Episode TV series about the IRA and the Troubles which is based on the Book by the same name is definitely worth a watch. The writing in both the book and TV series is bare bones without a lot of fluff and cuts to the chase about what 20th century…
Seven Pillars of Small War Power
H/T WRSA Seven Pillars of Small War Wisdom Read this and then Save it to your Flash Drive. You may See This Material Again in the near future. Stay Armed, Train Frequently and Prepare Accordingly. Additional Reading: The Savage Wars of Peace: Small War and the Rise of American Power…