In Memoriam: Ursula Haverbeck
Germany: World’s Basedest Granny Dies at the Age of 96
WW3 Update
Russia Sends Their Message (Update) On November 21, the modern warfare entered its new stage. The war between Russia and the West has changed forever. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched their advanced medium-range ballistic missile. Moscow showed its Doom’s Day weapon in action. The RS-26 Rubezh ballistic missile was reportedly…
The Great Skid Mark Rebellion
Bellevue police arrested a 21-year-old man accused of vandalizing the downtown LGBTQ+ Pride mural several times over the summer. The vandalizations occurred on July 14, September 7 and September 15. Damage estimates for the vandalism total more than $15,000.😂👍
Just Deport the F*ckers!
Texas Offers 1,400 Acres to Trump Admin for Criminal Migrant Detention/Deportation Center Since shrinking the size of Government and cutting Govt. waste APPEARS to be the mandate of the incoming Trump White House, why are we discussing building massive refugee internment camps? I don’t know about you but I don’t want my State turned…
Morning Laugh
More Anarcho-Tyranny
51-year-old man is charged with murder after 3 are stabbed in New York City rampage So to recap: a homeless mental Spic with 8 arrest in one year, seven of them felonies walks around NYC free as a bird and stabs to DEATH the following three victims: an Ecuadorian migrant, a Chink who was…