Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested in France, Reportedly For Refusing to Censor Content Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the messaging app Telegram, was arrested this Saturday evening, according to French media. The incident occurred at Le Bourget Airport just as Durov, accompanied by a bodyguard and a woman, disembarked from his private…
Category: World News
My Position on “Defending” Israel
White Man Rising: The U.K. is on Fire and it’s About Damn Time!
H/T: White Rabbit (Gab) Remember Their Names! UK riots LIVE: Looting and fires in Liverpool and Hull as more protests planned today In Liverpool White People are Taking Their Country back from these filthy black and brown muslim invaders. A community library, which replaced childrens books…
Diversity, Equity and Destruction: Migrants Destroy Leeds, U.K.
Leeds in rubble: Riot police driven out by thugs Michael Walsh from Europe Renaissance provided this handy glossary of British media ‘Newspeak’ to translate the above article: Youths = Migrants Thugs = Migrants Rioters = Migrants Riot Thugs = Migrants Migrant Horde Migrant Arsonist (Smile!) We Tried To Warn You: Remembering…
The Chinese Connection
Sinaloa Cartel Laundered Money with Help from Chinese Underground Bankers China has had their greedy yellow fingers in the Mexican and Central and South America drug cartels for decades. Whether you are talking about providing drug precursors for opioids (fentanyl) and meth, global money laundering or human smuggling, China does it all. Another fact…
Russian UN Accuse US of “Direct Involvement” in Sevastopol
Russian UN Accuse US of “Direct Involvement” in Sevastopol In response to the latest NATO shenanigans to start WW3 the Russian U.N. ambassador had these stern words. Prepare Accordingly.
This is Not Good (Twofer)
H/T NC Renegade Europe Renaissance: United States Strikes Russia: Deaths and 150 Injured At Least Five Police Officers Dead and Priest Beheaded After Terrorist Attacks on Church and Synagogue in Dagestan, Russia – Officials Allege Terrorists Were Using NATO Supplied Weapons
One Red Line Too Many
One Red Line Too Many In terms of appeasement Russian President Vladimir Putin has been extraordinarily patient. From the enlargement of NATO to crossing multiple red lines a small coterie of Western war hawks in the pay of Washington DC insolently ignores warnings to back off by Russia’s head of the state. What is…
Know Your White History: The Truth about the Boer War
Conscience and Courage Changes Man and History CHURCHILL AND THE BOER WAR: “There is only a means, the resistance of the Boers to break; namely the toughest oppression. In other words, we need to kill the parents, so that the children have respect for us.” ~ Winston Churchill, Journalist, Morning Post. {NOTE: Boer concentration…
World News: Russia Adds “LGBT Movement” to Terrorist List
Russia Officially Adds “LGBT Movement” to Terrorist and Extremist Organizations List “As part of a shift under President Vladimir Putin towards what he portrays as family values that contrast with decadent Western attitudes, Russia has tightened restrictions over the past decade on expressions of sexual orientation and gender identity. Among other steps, it has…