Aergeweorc ‘The period of history which we now call ‘Anglo-Saxon’ lasted from about the mid-fifth century to the end of the eleventh, after the Norman conquest. Most surviving Anglo Saxon manuscripts date from the latter part of that period and the majority of them are in Latin, but England was unique in Early Medieval…
Category: White Culture
The Great Replacement Comes For General Custer
Great Replacement Comes For Gen. Custer: Democrats In Michigan Push To Remove Custer Monument The Democrat Party is now motivated by utilizing The Great Replacement as an electoral strategy, and their Coalition of the Fringes is united by removing white America’s history from the public space. If we can’t celebrate our past, what hope…
Western Hunter-Gatherer facial reconstructions and media manipulation [Short post]
The War Against Whiteness Rages
Washington schools adopt race-based discipline, White students to get harsher punishment Don’t be fooled folks. “Culturally Responsive Discipline” is code speak for NORMALIZING Anti-White Policies in SCHOOLS! This is the end result when taxpayers and parents placate marxist and their CRT agenda. If you are a student of history, you can guess what the…
Rooted in the Soil
Rooted in the Soil “Which is why the royal personage who was entombed in Plas Gogerddan in Ceredigion in Wales is so important because just like the ship burial of his ‘significant other’ overlooking the River Deben near Woodbridge in Suffolk, he, like his ancestors, are rooted in the soil of these islands and are…
The Rise In Anti-Whiteism Among Whites
The Rise In Anti-Whiteism Among Whites From the graph it looks like Cucked White Liberals, a large majority who are 50 something childless, divorced or single liberal cat women (most likely) had a surge in 2011, smack dab in the middle of Barry Hussein’s tenure as Black Socialist in Chief. Nothing is worse than…
Racial Reality: Two from Across the Pond
A Dire Report from the Isles of my Ancestors White Irish Minority in Dublin Irish people are now a minority in 2/3 of North Inner City Dublin. Most major cities in the Western world have been ethnically cleansed of White people. British Propaganda Shows Europeans As Violent Rapists and Blacks As “Saviors of…
Article of the Week: The Modern World Part IV: What To Do?
The Modern World Part IV: What To Do? When you combine Dissident Thought’s comments and this article together you got some AWESOME food for thought on the current state of FUSA. “White people dying out is exactly what they want. Do you think it is a coincidence that *they* have been pushing degeneracy for…
FUSA Bulletin: Justice for Corn Rows!
Justice For Cornrows! “Whenever they “show up” in the world, chaos and violence seem to follow them. A serious nation doesn’t devote even a second of time to the “problem” of racist hair rules.” The state of this Country has gone beyond ludicrous folks. The current party line seems to be: “Destroy anything that…
The War on Whites Continue in South Africa
February Farm Attacks In South Africa: Murdered, Strangled, Wounded, Robbed, And Children, Even Toddlers, Tied Up By Robbers. South Africa has always been a bellwether if you will of racial reality in the modern world, particularly when it comes to governments populated with black marxist with anti-white ideologies. What is happening there to these…