Armed — In Plain Sight, When You Can’t Carry You can never learn enough about improvised weapons IMO when you are surrounded by a society that is intent on disarming you at every turn. “Non-Permissive Environment” may soon be a metaphor for everywhere except your Home! Prepare Accordingly!
Category: Warrior Tech
Setting Up A Kalashnikov For Combat
Setting Up A Kalashnikov For Combat: The Palmetto State Armory GF-3E Outstanding article by fellow AK Afficionado and one of the best trainers currently working in the business, NC Scout (aka Brusbeater.) As I have said many times, If you are in the market for an AK, Palmetto State Armory is the place to…
Where There is a Will, There is Always a Way
Gun used to Assassinate Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe When it comes to so-called “Gun Control”, History continues to bear out this fact: Where there is a WILL, there is always a WAY to ARM Yourself. Regardless of Government Weapon Restrictions. MORE LINKS and INTEL.
Pistolcraft: Slide Release or Slingshot?
Would You Hit It — Slide Release or Slingshot? Remember this: Practice does not make Perfect, it makes PERMANENT! It pays to frequently re-evaluate your firearm habits to make sure they are not detrimental to REALISTIC FIREARMS TRAINING. For me, I was trained early on to NEVER use my slide release lever and ALWAYS…
Know Your Obscure WW2 Weapons: The British PIAT Gun
A SINGLE SHOT THAT SAVED D-DAY: THE BRITISH PIAT A Spring Loaded Anti-Tank Gun that you had to Manually Cock to fire and be within 100 yards to be accurate. Yeah Sounds like a Hoot!
How to Use Tactical Reticles
How to Use Tactical Reticles For those of you out there still confused about the difference between Mil’s and MOA, check this article out. Remember, your Rifle is only as good as the Glass on top of it. Know it like you know your own face. Prepare and Train Accordingly.
Emergency Shooting Positions
EMERGENCY SHOOTING POSITIONS: ARE YOU READY? Remember in a gunfight COVER=LIFE! DO NOT Neglect the ability to shoot from behind cover with either shoulder while keeping all appendages hidden! I have Always Began my Rifle Drills with the 4 Position Warm-Up. 4 rds from Each Position at 100 yds: Standing, Kneeling, Sitting and Prone….
Know Your Weapons: The Astra 600 – Old School Cool
The Astra 600 – Old School Cool In my 20 or so years collecting I only came across an Astra 600 once, and I passed on it because the guy was way too proud of it and would not budge on the price, primarily because of the German markings. I regret that now. This…
The Folly of Gun Control in Brazil
Where there is a WILL there is a WAY. Never under estimate men who want to be armed. This is a snapshot of FUSA in under 10 years. After Balkanization is complete, hundreds of skilled armorers will begin churning out QUALITY Weaponry despite the Federal Govt.’s aim to “CONTROL” it. Are you Prepared to be…
Know Your Weapons: The .30-40 U.S. Krag-Jorgenson in Combat
THE .30-40 U.S. KRAG-JORGENSEN IN COMBAT I had a couple of Krag’s I traded for over the years but I never really cared for them. They were too long and the action was not near as smooth as a Mauser. Caliber wise they are like shooting a .30-06.