Boers, Beans, Bullets, and Bear Soup – Parts 1 & 2 Nifty two part series on the history, tactics and arms of the Boers. Note: Although I disagree with many of the author’s opinions regarding rifle and caliber choices, as I have grown older I have found the best advice to new shooters is…
Category: Warrior Tech
On Weapon-Mounted Lasers Part I
Pistol Corner: Failure to Extract – When Tap, Roll & Rack does not work
Failure to extract – when tap, roll, rack does not work When you train, train to clear malfunctions with the use of dummy rounds. Although this type of stoppage is rare, it does happen and if you don’t train for it you will be that much slower clearing it when the chips are down…
Combined Arms for the Minuteman
Read up on Hunter Killer Teams.
The Minuteman’s Guide to Thermal Camouflage
Practical-Tactical: Do Weapon Mounted Lights Make You a Target?
Do Weapon Mounted Lights Make You a Target? As the author points out the answer to this question is LIGHT DISCIPLINE. If you are going to mount a light on your carry firearm, TRAINING with that Weapon Mounted Light is imperative! This is why I don’t agree with Massad Ayoob when he says NOT…
The Tank is not Obsolete and Other Observations about the Future of Combat
The Tank is not Obsolete and Other Observations about the Future of Combat “The available data from Ukraine, as well as the recent war in Nagorno-Karabakh, indicate that tanks are still critical in modern warfare and their vulnerabilities have been exaggerated. Russia’s heavy tank losses can be explained by employment mistakes, poor planning and preparation,…
Mitchell WerBell
Know Your History.
Know Your Naval History: Dinosaurs of the Deep Blue Sea
Dinosaurs of the Deep Blue Sea Thought provoking essay on the current state of American Naval Technology, Strategy and Readiness. Though some might argue it is a bit dated compared to other WW3 novels, I still say Ghost Fleet is one of the most realistic novels at a plausible WW3 scenario.
Dose of Truth
H/T Freedom is Just Another Word When is the last time you drilled on engaging targets out to 50 yards with your carry sidearm? A 22-year old named Elisjsha Dicken practiced it regularly and it saved a countless number of innocent lives. Don’t get stuck in a rut with your Carry drills and only…