Lebanon: Pagers Apparently Exploding and Blowing Pieces Off of People At least eight people were killed and about 2,750 were wounded by exploding handheld pagers across Lebanon. We appear to have entered into a whole new era of bizarre warfare, where consumer electronics can be triggered to explode and kill you or seriously injure/deform…
Category: Warrior Tech
Rhodesian Twofer
Archives, 2022 The Rhodesian Vest, Fireforce Style (a YBH tale) Fire Force: A Trooper’s War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry
Handgun Corner: Jeff Cooper’s First Article from 1946
Jeff Cooper’s First Article Here is a scanned copy of Jeff Cooper’s first published article, from the Marine Corps Gazette, in Sept 1946. Titled “What Good Is A Pistol?”, it discusses pistol training and caliber selection. Highlights: Cooper comments that the semiauto pistol be redesigned to have more slant and a slight curve — essentially…
The Modern Battlefield: Kamikaze Robot Dogs (No, I’m Serious)
Ukraine deploys $9K robot dogs vs. Russia with plans to use them as ‘kamikazes’ on the front lines Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war. Ukraine is siccing a fleet of robot dogs on Russian troops, including some four-legged terminators it hopes to use to conduct “kamikaze” attacks on enemy soldiers and vehicles along…
4GW: Harnessing Insurgent and Narco-Criminal Drone Tactics for Special Operations
Harnessing Insurgent and Narco-Criminal Drone Tactics for Special Operations Editor’s note: This article is part of Project Air Power, which explores and advocates for the totality of air, aviation, and space power in irregular, hybrid, and gray-zone environments. We invite you to contribute to the discussion, explore the difficult questions, and help influence the…
Future Warfare: You Can’t go to War With Your Factory
You Can’t go to War With Your Factory I know I talk about the book Ghost Fleet a lot on this blog, but it seems every time I read an article about WW3 or China, I am reminded of something I read in that book! Think for a moment how much of a disadvantage…
Reference Library: CIA’s Simple Sabotage Field Manual
CIA’s Simple Sabotage Field Manual (Via: HSDL) This historical document was originally published by the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS; now the Central Intelligence Agency) in 1944, for use by OSS agents in motivating or recruiting potential foreign saboteurs. Agents were granted permission to print and disseminate portions of the document as…
Guerilla Gunsmith: Guerilla Arms Factory in Colombia
Illicit SMG Factory Raided in Colombia Via: Radios Regionales “Parliamentarians from the Los Ríos region described the clandestine weapons factory found in the commune of Panguipulli as serious. The senator of Renovación Nacional, María José Gatica, assured that this discovery represents the capacity of criminal organizations to establish complex and technically advanced operations…
4GW: The U.S. is unprepared for attacks on critical infrastructure
H/T Montana The U.S. is unprepared for attacks on critical infrastructure Like Cyber Polygon, RAND’s ‘Inverted Rook’ wargame warns of catastrophic cyber attacks leading to societal breakdown: perspective The United States is unprepared for attacks on critical infrastructure, according to a wargame simulated by the RAND Corporation. Prepared for the head of the…
Small Unit Tactics 101: Assessing the Effects of Fires
Assessing the Effects of Fires Anyone who has ever done any sort of small-unit tactics training can remember “covering” a buddy while they move. This is good to learn, but there can be a bit of misunderstanding as to what actually constitutes “covering fire” or “suppression”. Just because you are putting rounds downrange does not necessarily mean…