The Rhodesian Vest, Fireforce Style (a YBH tale) Pretty cool little piece of history.
Category: Warrior Tech
Know Your Weapons: Nordic Cooperation – The Swedish M96 in Finnish Service
Nordic Cooperation: The Swedish M96 in Finnish Service One of the significant foreign rifles in Finnish service during the Winter War and Continuation War was the Swedish M96 Mauser. These rifles began arriving in Finland even before Finland’s independence, and in 1919 the Civil Guard was given ownership of 1,390 of them. The numbers…
AK Corner: Plum AK Furniture – Grips, Mags and Stocks
Plum AK Furniture: Grips and Mags and Stocks (Oh My) A nice trip down memory lane for all the true AK Afficonados out there. I would also recommend this awesome collection of articles titled Vodka Blasters. Welcome to the Dark Side!
AK Corner: How to Distinguish between Russian and Chinese AK-103
Yemeni Buyer’s Guide: How to Distinguish between Russian and Chinese AK-103 Really in-depth buyers guide to recognizing subtle differences between the Russian and Chinese version of the AK-103 platform.
Know Your Weapons: 5 of the Most Effective Man-Killing Tools in History
Lethal Weapons: 5 of the Most Effective Man-Killing Tools in History Some obscure weapons here. Very interesting. I am intimately acquainted with the Shuriken (aka throwing star) when I was a kid growing up, like most kids my age, I was heavily into martial arts, especially ninja movies and thanks to a mail order catalog…
New Shotgun Forend Light/Laser Combo from Nightstick
SFL Lights and Lasers: Shotgun Illumination from Nightstick (Without Weirdness) Bad things and bad people come out at night. Therefore every serious gun you own for “social issues” needs a light on it. Especially your Home Defense Shotgun. Not sure the price point on these, but if they are to be comparable to Streamlights…
Know Your Weapons: Straight Pull Bolt Action Rifles
Straight Pull Bolt Action Rifles Economy of motion and a reduced number of moving parts in a rifle’s design is a FUNDAMENTAL feature in my humble opinion, regardless if is to be used for hunting or self-defense. Speed and Reliability are going to win the day everytime. Prepare Accordingly.
How To Be Calm Under Pressure: 3 Secrets From A Bomb Disposal Expert
How To Be Calm Under Pressure: 3 Secrets From A Bomb Disposal Expert Some practical advice on negotiating high-stress situations. Remember: “Work the situation, don’t let it work you.” Also highly recommend the linked article Stoicism Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Mentally Strong
Know Your Weapons: Colt 1903 Hammerless
COLT’S 1903 HAMMERLESS Very informative piece on one of the coolest looking handguns Mr. John Moses Browning ever designed. One of the most fantastic periods for firearm development and innovation was the early 20th century hands down!
4GW Cartel Drone Warfare
Drones are going to play several roles in the coming 4GW Asymmetrical conflict. Learn all you can about them So you can both USE them and DESTROY them.