Next time you get the urge to bitch and moan about your life being hard, unfair or difficult…Come back and Read this article. This Modern Spartan personifies and epitomizes the phrase “Never Give Up!”-SF Losing his leg to an IED hasn’t kept Freddie De Los Santos from finishing 26 competitive races. When the Twin Towers…
Category: Veterans Issues
Veterans Issues: Louisiana Leads the Pack in Eliminating Concealed Carry Fees for Veterans
I personally think that Veterans Nationwide, in all 50 States, should be exempt from all Concealed Carry State Fees. Email your Governor and State Senator, let’s make this thing Nationwide! -SF Louisiana legislators want to create a statewide exemption on concealed carry permit payments for veterans. Louisiana lawmakers recently passed a bill through the state…
On this Day in History: “No Survivors” The 22nd Anniversary of Eagle Flight
On this day, 22 Years Ago, in Northern Iraq, One of the WORST “Blue-on-Blue” or “Friendly Fire” Accidents in U.S. Military History Occurred. (USAF Photo: U.S. Military personnel inspect the wreckage of a Black Hawk helicopter (Eagle 2) in the Northern Iraq No Fly Zone during Operation Provide Comfort, April 16, 1994.) “They came to…
Veterans Health Issues: When it Comes to Burn Pits, Veterans May Be On Their Own
Just the title of this article starts to make my blood boil. A VETERAN SHOULD NEVER BE ON THEIR OWN!! IT IS THIS KIND OF MENTALITY THAT FORCED MANY VETERANS SUFFERING FROM PTSD TO COMMIT SUICIDE. Only after hundreds of un-needed deaths did the VA wake up and make a concerted effort to truly help…
Another Reason To Be Armed (With a Cane): 70 Year Old Veteran Shuts Down Would-be Robber
When I first read about this story I was reminded of Colonel Rex Applegate. Him and William E. Fairbairn were responsible for training OSS operatives in the “Black Arts” during WW2. Later in life, the late Colonel Applegate had to use a cane to get around and developed a literal arsenal of techniques for the…
Profiles in Courage: Two Veterans Embark on Mission to be the First Amputees To Climb Mount Everest
These two awesome Spartans make me proud to be a Veteran. They are proving to all of us, disabled or not, that the LIMITS we choose to put on ourselves are of our own making and are MENTAL, NOT PHYSICAL. -SF Two veterans who lost limbs in the Global War on Terror set off to…
Important Veterans Issues: “The Burn Pit” is Now Sickening and Killing U.S. Soldiers At Home
Heads Up: If you are a Veteran or Know a Veteran who served in OIF or OEF or any operation where Burn Pit’s were used regularly and are having symptoms related to Cancer, and have been denied service connected disability, I suggest you hire a lawyer NOW and start the process of fighting the VA…
World War Two History: The Battling Belles of Bataan
If you ever had occasion to do an R&R in Tai Pei, you know why a 19 year old, hormone engorged, no-time-in-grade Army sergeant would consider Tai Pei and “The China Seas Club” a prime destination. As far back as I can remember, my parents always kept a house in the Shilin District overlooking Tianmu….
Military News: Vets Upset at Pending Cuts to GI Bill
WASHINGTON — Some veterans are blasting plans to slash college subsidies for service members’ children. One of the most lucrative benefits in the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the subsidy covers college tuition and housing for active-duty service members, who are allowed to pass their benefits to their spouses and children. Last month, the House chopped the…
U.S. Army Changing Dog Tags For First Time In 40 Years
For the first time in 40 years, the U.S. Army is making changes to a century-old piece of hardware, dog tags, the identification implements that hang around each soldier’s neck. For a low-tech thing like the aluminum dog tag, the reason for the change is decidedly high-tech, the threat of identity theft. On the new…