Proactive Pest Removal Very incisive article about what is to come very shortly. Ask yourself: Are you prepared MENTALLY for what is about to happen? if Not, Prepare NOW, because as the article states, you don’t get any MULLIGANS once the PURGE horn sounds.
Category: Urban Skill Sets
FUSA Headline of the Day: Escape from New York v2.0 – Pack of Female Dindu’s in Neon Jumpsuits Assault Teens on NY Subway
Train victim’s mom slams ‘Complete Animals’ in bizarre neon leotards who assaulted, robbed NYC teens An ARMED Society is a POLITE Society. Except in New York where you have to have a Congressional Hearing and a Note from the Mayor to have a 2 oz. can of pepper spray. Is it any wonder then…
The Minuteman
The Minuteman The reality is the ruling elite fear the citizenry still and because the citizenry is armed, they cannot just massacre ideological dissidents at will. Instead, they have to get crafty and do it through things like an experimental vaccine and call it something scary like COVID. Those with real power and in…
Combined Arms for the Minuteman
Read up on Hunter Killer Teams.
Why Is New Legislation Needed To Stop Antifa Blocking Roads?
Why Is New Legislation Needed To Stop Antifa Blocking Roads? I have an ideal. Instead of adding to the seemingly endless amount of LAWS that are created (which these criminal marxist POS do not obey anyway) I say we begin using a very simple solution: The Gas Pedal. It goes hand in…
AL TARMIYAH FIREFIGHT!: Lessons Learned The Hard Way
AL TARMIYAH FIREFIGHT!: Lessons Learned The Hard Way Excellent article about Practical Combat Rifle Skills we need to keep sharp as civilians: Assuming I killed the bad guy with one shot to the torso area Performing a slow reload Retaining my empty magazine during the middle of such an intense firefight Stowing an empty…
FUSA Bulletin: Escape from Chicago (For Real)
H/T Freedom is Just Another Word Illinois law will release those charged with second-degree murder without bail If you don’t think the agenda to DESTROY this country right down to the floor studs is REAL, think again. This will be the final nail in the coffin for Chi-Raq. Want to lay a bet…
Armed — In Plain Sight, When You Can’t Carry
Armed — In Plain Sight, When You Can’t Carry You can never learn enough about improvised weapons IMO when you are surrounded by a society that is intent on disarming you at every turn. “Non-Permissive Environment” may soon be a metaphor for everywhere except your Home! Prepare Accordingly!
SOE Partisan Leader’s Handbook
Partisan’s Leader Handbook So many Pearls of Wisdom in these WW2 era SOE manuals. The Basics of Partisanship have not changed! Study Up and Prepare Accordingly! You can read and download the entire manual HERE.
The Reality of Street Crime in Chi-Raq
For me Videos like this PROVE that all Strict Gun Laws do is penalize the law abiding citizen and ensure they will always be on the losing end. You can Armchair Quarterback this all day long but IMO regardless of what the guy did the POS Black street urchin would have shot him regardless,…