From the Archives, 2016 With the proverbial ice cream turning to shit across this Nation, and Urban Warfare (ie Street Fighting) about to become a SOLID reality, I thought it relevant to review some of Big Brother’s CRIME FIGHTING (or Counter-Insurgency) toys so we all can all plan accordingly. LISTENING FOR GUNSHOTS With City,…
Category: Urban Skill Sets
Room Anatomy 101
From the Archives, 2017 ANATOMY OF THE ROOM PART 1 ANATOMY OF THE ROOM PART 2 Regardless if you are training a squad or and individual, clearing and fighting inside structures is tough and you need to train for it! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Hostage Escape T&T
Hostage Escape Tools and Techniques Always consider the worse case scenario and Train for It. We are now living in a time when being detained against your will is a more likely scenario than ever before. Train and Equip Accordingly. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Examining GW Tactics: Fire and Maneuver in Urban AO’s
From the Archives, 2016 In a recent Article, Law Enforcement told how they found a very large collection of ‘tactical writings’ in the home of Dallas Police Shooter and Army Panty Bandit Micah Johnson. According to Police, the tactic of “Fire and Maneuver” or “Shoot and Move” was the tactic seen most often in Johnson’s “voluminous”…
Atlanta is Turning into an Open War Zone
BLM is Opening Fire on Passing Vehicles. Where are the Police? They are all re-signing. 70 Atlanta Cops Have Resigned After Officer Rolfe Faces Murder Charge, Dept. Is 60% Black You are on your Own out there Folks. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Urban Combat: Watch out for Ricochets
With the uptick in urban gun play recently by armed felons and assorted morons the martial civilian needs to be aware of the high probability of ricochets regardless if you think you are in a “safe” place or at a “safe” distance. High powered handguns and rifles and large amounts of asphalt and brick…
Roof Koreans: How Civilians Defended Koreatown from Racist Violence During the 1992 LA Riots
This timely article comes by way of site sponsor and written by my buddy over there Sam Jacobs. You don’t have enough ammo for what’s coming down the pipe- hit up and get squared away. The riots of the spring of 2020 are far from without precedent in the United States. Indeed, they… Roof…
Surviving Vehicle Ambushes
Surviving Vehicle Ambushes Although written from a LEO perspective, the advice is sound for any martial civilian. One of the key things to remember in ANY type of ambush is NEVER FREEZE! GET OUT OF THE KILL ZONE! Movement is Life! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Mean Streets: The Clash of Technology and Terrain in Urban Warfare
From the Archives, 2016 In urban environments, the playing field is levelled between the conventional armies and insurgents BE IT ALEPPO or Damascus, Mosul or Ramadi, or even Eastern Ukraine, combatants in today’s conflicts are frequently fighting in and over urban areas. The decision to wage war in cities is driven in part by…
Quick Thinking by Kansas Soldier ends Active Shooter Rampage
Kansas soldier saves ‘countless lives’ by driving truck into active shooter: reports Kudos go out to this brave soldier whose quick thinking saved lives! It reminds me of a couple of articles I posted some time back about Dealing with Mob Attacks on your Vehicle and the legality Using your Vehicle as a Weapon….