Welcome To Neu S’Africa Highly recommend you read this collection of articles. As an addendum, familiarize yourself with BBB/BBBEE as well. America as we used to know it is DEAD folks. Prepare Accordingly.
Category: Urban Skill Sets
Ascensión: A Tale of the Mexican Drug War (Fictional Intelligence)
ASCENSIÓN: A TALE OF THE MEXICAN DRUG WAR Small Wars Journal is pleased to present an excerpt from Ascensión: A Tale of the Mexican Drug War by Small Wars Journal-El Centro Fellow Michael L. Burgoyne. This fictional account—or FICINT (Fictional Intelligence)—describes the security situation in Mexico in an accessible manner. Here the situation in Mexico is described through the lens of…
Breaking Contact (Part I)
Good Stuff. Prepare Now or Pay the Undertaker Later.
Get To Cover? A Requiem for Common Sense
Get to Cover? A Requiem for Common Sense With the likelihood of random gun violence breaking out anywhere at anytime in the world today, it makes sense for the Armed and/or Prepared Civilian to re-cap some basics of staying alive when you are out there on the mean streets beyond the wire (The wire being…
The Albanian Sniper Squad in Syria and Their Weapons
THE ALBANIAN SNIPER SQUAD IN SYRIA AND THEIR WEAPONS Good read. There is a multitude of information to be gleamed from the conflict in Syria. Urban Guerilla Sniping v3.0
Snipers of Donbass: Weapons, Organization and Tactics
SNIPERS OF DONBASS: WEAPONS, ORGANIZATION, TACTICS Part Two of the Snipers of Donbass. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Self-Defense Behind the Wheel of Your Car
Self-Defense Behind the Wheel of Your Car Decent primer on a subject I hope you are devoting some live fire/force-on-force training to every month since besides your home and workplace, your vehicle is where you spend a large majority of your time. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
One Shot One Kill
One Shot, One Kill A decent essay on the subject. Check out my offering, Urban Guerilla Sniping v3.0 The bottom line is that this is no longer leisure reading for the Tactical Golfer. Some seriously nasty Ungentlemanly Warfare is coming our way. Prepare Accordingly.
Refuse to be a Victim!
2nd Camera Angle From Mexico: Two motorcycle banditos try to do a quick “Stop and Rob” on the guy in the white car but the INTENDED victim had other plans. He does the right thing by Accelerating out of the Kill Zone but then decides to go a step further and tries to take out…
Anti-Drone Ideals for the Privacy Minded Citizen
From the Archives 2016, UPDATED! Anti-Drone Defenses: Some Ideas Are Better Than Others This is an interesting and funny article for the simple fact it raises some very important questions for the Civilian Operator who wants to keep his Private life well, PRIVATE! Bottom line: Think like an Insurgent and use Deception and Deceit (and…