TACTICS 101 – INFILTRATON IN HISTORY AND PRACTICE Excellent Reference Material here. I would highly recommend that you purchase NC Scout’s excellent Field Manuals. Time is short. Stop Flapping your Gums and get to TRAINING! I can promise you the Enemy is.
Category: Urban Skill Sets
How to Hide from Drones: Lessons Learned in Modern War
HOW TO HIDE FROM DRONES: LESSONS LEARNED IN MODERN WAR Some excellent information here. Drones are going to be part and parcel of Modern Guerilla Warfare, so take notes. Here is a post from the ARCHIVES as well.
Rifle Corner: High Angle Shooting
H/T WRSA Reaper Tips: High-angle shooting Bullet Trajectory: Shooting Downhill and Uphill Great reference articles. This is a SKILL SET most rifleman neglect. Do yourself a favor and devote some time to this. Understanding Ballistics is what seperates a GOOD shooter from a GREAT one. Long Distance Shooting is a HIGHLY PERISHABLE SKILL!…
Refusal: The Founding Concept of Guerilla Warfare
Two insidents occurred yesterday that underscore one of the fundamental tenets of Guerilla Warfare: REFUSAL. Over 20,000 Aussie citizens shut down a major Melbourne Highway in protest of the COVID Lockdowns. A group of Haitian migrants revolted and seized control of the Bus that was deporting them. Fellow blogger EatGruelDog had a great comment on…
What did you think was gonna happen assholes? 😅 You voted yourself into this Bullshit. You are NOT voting yourself Out of it. Nobody is Coming to Save You. You are on your Own. 🖕 H/T DTI “‘Anarcho-tyranny’ is a concept, where the state is more interested in controlling citizens, so that citizens…
Lessons from Grozny: Deadly Classroom for Urban Combat
H/T to WRSA The Battle of Grozny: Deadly Classroom for Urban Combat
Armed Citizens Uses Rifle to Stop Attempted Mass Shooting
Armed Citizens Uses Rifle to Stop Attempted Mass Shooting H/T Active Response Training An unconventional use of “urban sniping” skills. Bad guy kills resident and barricades himself inside her apartment before firing from inside towards people walking outside. I thought about this one. If that was happening in my neighborhood, what gun would I…
Self Defense is Over
Balls of Steel!
On April 22, 2021 a cash-in-transit heist failed due to the evasive maneuvers and balls of steel this driver has. By looking at the coordinates displayed on the HUD, we can assume this took place somewhere in Egypt but cannot 100% confirm this as there is no story to be found. As the suspects begin…
Paul Gomez, The Urban AK and the Century Arms AK63D
PAUL GOMEZ, THE URBAN AK, AND THE CENTURY ARMS AK63D Outstanding read for all you fellow AK Disciples. Remember: AR’s are Prom Queens, AK’s are Biker Chicks.