H/T American Partisan Understanding How IMSI-Catchers Exploit Cell Networks Some additional reading on How to Catch an IMSI Catcher.
Category: Urban Skill Sets
Bullets Follow Walls – Explained
I remember when I started MOUT training, I heard the phrase “bullets follow walls, so stay away from walls.” I heard it and did it, but I had to eventually ask what it meant. Why do bullets follow walls? At 18, I had no idea what bullets did. I was told to shut up…
Criminal Insurgency 101: Criminal Groups Are Ramping Up Explosives in Mexico
Criminal Groups Are Ramping Up Explosives in Mexico A series of recent attacks using improvised explosive devices in Mexico points to a generalization of warfare tactics among criminal groups. A Mexican army helicopter was flying over a hill in Apatzingán, in the western state of Michoacán, when it was attacked by a criminal group…
Welcome to 4th Generation Warfare
Prepare and Train Accordingly
Motorbike Warfare
Via: Matthew Bracken Substack Circa 1997, I was in Panama, on the Caribbean side, getting my boat ready to transit the canal to the Pacific. I was walking from Colon’s old so-called yacht club (now long gone) through an industrial port area to get to Colon City. When I was passing about…
On This Day in History: Operation Restore Hope, Somalia 1992
U.S. Army in Somalia 1992-1994 US Marines and allied nations launch an amphibious and airborne operation in Mogadishu, Somalia to restore order to the war-torn nation. Authorized by UN Security Council Resolution 794 passed on December 3. UNDER FIRE: Battle of the Black Sea On October 3, 1993, a composite force of United…
Guerilla Warfare History: Say Nothing
Say Nothing This 9 Episode TV series about the IRA and the Troubles which is based on the Book by the same name is definitely worth a watch. The writing in both the book and TV series is bare bones without a lot of fluff and cuts to the chase about what 20th century…
Taking Notes on the Cartel Criminal Insurgency
Cartel Gunmen Used Car Bombs in Two Coordinated Terrorist Attacks in Mexico Although this happened in Deep Mexico (The State of Guanajuato is roughly 10 hours from the border at Laredo) it would behoove the Armed Citizen to pay attention to cartel tactics such as these, because as we all we know, their Area…
Crime Awareness: There is No Safety in Staying Stationary!
Via: DTI “Safe” Inside a Stationary Vehicle? Two weeks ago, on I90 near Cleveland, OH, the entire freeway was blocked, taken-over, and completely shut down for more than a hour by a mob of street thugs who then accosted stalled motorists. No escape was allowed! Frantic 911 calls from stranded motorists were answered…
Prepatude “It was a different world back then and Gen X kids, who were pretty free-range.” Prepping is a subject that has been near and dear to my heart since I was a kid. The Wilder family would frequently go on long hikes and snowmobile trips into the backcountry. Likewise, we’d go hunting…