Biden Floods Ohio Town with 20,000 Haitian Migrants: Ten to a Bedroom Like a turd too big to flush, I knew this Haitian thing would eventually float back to the surface. Remember that thing few months back involving roving gangs of Haitian nigger cannibals? Well it seems it wasn’t “humanitarian” enough to let them…
Category: The Great Reset
America the Brutal
America the Brutal: A Divided Nation Under Anarcho-Tyranny and Justice for Some! HODGENVILLE, Ky. — Since the genocidal tyranny of Abraham Lincoln, the system of government of these United States has evolved into one that fails to enforce or adjudicate protection for its citizens while simultaneously persecuting innocent conduct. This creates a societal apparatus akin to an armed dictatorship devoid of…
4GW: The U.S. is unprepared for attacks on critical infrastructure
H/T Montana The U.S. is unprepared for attacks on critical infrastructure Like Cyber Polygon, RAND’s ‘Inverted Rook’ wargame warns of catastrophic cyber attacks leading to societal breakdown: perspective The United States is unprepared for attacks on critical infrastructure, according to a wargame simulated by the RAND Corporation. Prepared for the head of the…
The Arrival Anti-White Liberal Democracy
The Arrival Anti-White Liberal Democracy The anti-White reality of liberal democracy has been building for decades now, both in media and in politics. On the media side of the equation, any rise of a “far-right” party (a label only the media has the right to first stick to a political group) is treated as…
Inconvenient Facts about Black and White Slavery
Inconvenient Facts about Black and White Slavery Skeletal Remains Of 150 English Children Starved and Worked To Death In Factories Show No Evidence Of White Privilege. Scientists have uncovered the first direct, grisly evidence of the harrowing lives of British children known as pauper apprentices who were forced into labour during industrialization in England: ‘Lead…
The ATF Has Resumed Openly Murdering Americans
The ATF Has Resumed Openly Murdering Americans Many people who know anything about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE, or ATF for short) will know they started off as a “harmless” tax collecting agency that eventually turned into a law enforcement agency in its own right. In other words, they evolved from…
4th of July v2.0
Secession: This is the Way Let’s make this Plain: We are Beyond Voting Our Way Out of This. You cannot Fix the System with the System. Independence=Cutting Out the Federal Cancer To Survive we must Cut out the Cancer that is destroying the Healthy White Tissue. The Key is WIDE margins. Surgery is Bloody…
Race Reality Fact: White Solidarity Can Defeat Diversity
Molon Labe: The Second Amendment is the White Man’s Ghost Dance
Molon Labe: The Second Amendment is the White Man’s Ghost Dance But soon enough, they will discover the sad truth that a White minority will be the death of the Second Amendment. The truth is self-evident that the answer to 1984 is not 1776, but 14/88! Preliminary estimates indicate that over half of the 6.4 million increase in the foreign-born population since…
Starvation Incoming
H/T Evil White Guy Map Shows All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Biden So now what? DO NOT DESPAIR! PREPARE!