DITCH MEDICINE: STERILIZATION Never can learn enough about field medicine IMO. Stay Alert, Stay Armed an Stay Dangerous!
Category: Tactical Medicine
DIY Prepping 101: Medical Prepping on the Cheap
I myself am a huge fan of Dollar Tree’s for this very reason. I recently created a couple of boo-boo kits and a full trauma/blowout kit (minus the Quickclot and CAT) for $20. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Survival Medicine: Dealing With Wounds in a Survival Situation
Best Practices for Dealing with Wounds in a Survival Situation (click on link above to re-directed to source page) Great article on a common skill-set we all may need sooner or later. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Trauma Medicine: TECC Guidelines Update
(Click above Picture to be re-directed to Original Host Site) Again, this is really Quality information I would suggest you guys put on a thumb drive where you can readily access it where ever you are. I will also be starting a “Reference Stickies” Page for articles like this so they can be easily accessed. Stay…
Prepping 101: Creating A Working Inventory For Living in Dangerous Times
Not a bad primer to help get your mind in the right direction when it comes to preparing for when the Hammer drops. Remember, in Prepping, just like in Firearms and Combat Training, it is Software before Hardware. The Mind is the Ultimate Weapon, all else is Supplemental. -SF I have been reading the excellent…
Practical Skill-Sets: Brussels Attack Highlights Need For Civilian Trauma Training
Muslim terrorists attacked the Belgian capital of Brussels today in a series of attacks that seem to have used IEDs and may have used firearms as well. The attacks took place four days after the primary suspect in the November terrorist attacks in Paris, France was arrested in the city. News media are reporting at…
Practical Skill-Sets: How to Remove Your Own Stitches
Watch former Special Forces operator Jeff Kirkham skilfully remove sutures from the face of MMA’s Josh Tyler. Sometimes being a man means getting punched or kicked in the face. If you find this keeps happening, you can either reevaluate your life choices, or learn how to cut your recovery time short like a boss. If…
Military History: Beating the “Bloody Flux” and How Sir John Pringle Waged War on Dysentery
“Sanitation standards in the 18th Century were almost non-existent. Soldiers were in the habit of relieving themselves wherever they wished, including outside their own tents, turning encampments into mucky breeding grounds for dysentery.” 18TH CENTURY MILITARY camps were hotbeds for communicable diseases. Often, more soldiers on campaign died from illness than were ever felled in battle. Interestingly enough, the…
Reality Check Regarding Terrorism
By Hammerhead If you have been paying attention and not getting distracted with all the nauseating political theater in Iowa and New Hampshire, then you heard about the recent attack in Ohio where a muslim jihadist decided to attack innocent people in a restaurant with a machete. This happened in Ohio folks, not the Middle…
What Happens When You Really Get Shot
STAFF SERGEANT NICK Lavery wasn’t only the most physically imposing Green Beret on our team, he was the most physically imposing soldier any of us had ever seen. He was 6’5″, approaching 280 pounds, and cut like a linebacker—the position at which he excelled, not coincidentally, as a college football player at the University of…