First Honduras, now Texas, something tells me there is a definite effort by these Syrian “Refugees” to enter the United States illegally…now why is that when Europe is taking them with open arms? We have made it clear we don’t want them..I guess it is our Starbucks that is attracting them right?-SF Two federal agents…
Category: Syria
Russian Airliner Bomb Revealed
The soda can that Muslims used to kill 224 people on Russian airliner Islamic State (ISIS) releases photo of the soda can that was used to take down the Russian airliner over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Read the Original Article at Bare Naked Islam
Crusader Corner #5: Showtimes Hit Show “Homeland” Nails the Truth about Islam
“Any man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he blows himself up is an adherent of the same religion children are forced to memorize, repeat, and is regurgitated by Muslim clerics the world over” Shockingly, in Showtime TV’s hit show, ‘Homeland,’ Hollywood gets it right for a change about the existential threat Islam poses to the civilized…
Two of the Paris jihad murderers came into Europe as Refugees
Well, just like the death toll in Paris, he numbers keep growing as to how many of the terrorist were Syrian “refugees” also appears one of the shooters was a woman as well. This is terrible news for all Americans, since our brilliant President and the rest of the POS muslim sympathizers have just brought…
21st Century Crusaders: Americans who Volunteer to Fight ISIS with the Peshmerga
“One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.” -Winston Churchill, 1940 When I first started reading about these brave men…
The Syrian “Refugee” Myth: The Bullshit gets Deeper
Jihad by Migration Folks. The Islamic Invasion of Europe right before our eyes. -SF What the media won’t tell you is that many of these so-called ‘refugees’ actually have loads of money in their pockets and pricey iPhones – phones that are out of reach for the same shopkeepers whose free WiFi the Muslim freeloaders…
History of Guerilla Warfare: How Would Lawrence of Arabia Defeat ISIS?
Lessons from the Early 20th century for the Chaotic, Modern Middle East By James Stavridis A Colleague of mine recently watched the Oscar-winning classic 1962 film Lawrence of Arabia. His brief comment on its merits in regard to understanding the Middle East of today: a cynical shrug of his shoulders and the words “nothing has…
The Moral Hazard of Proxy Warfare
It has been a very bad month for advocates of the “indirect” approach to U.S. national security policy. U.S.-trained rebels in Syria handed over their weapons to al-Qaeda; and the United States has been forced to sit back helplessly and watch as Russian bombers target CIA-backed rebel forces. The Department of Defense’s train-and-equip program has…
A Sneek Peak at Russias High Tech War Machine at work in Syria
Russia has been sending fighter jets, drones, and bombers to Syria to bolster the regime of Bashar al-Assad, generating concern and outrage among the United States and its allies. Far less attention has been paid to Moscow’s simultaneous deployment of advanced surveillance, signals intelligence, and electronic warfare equipment that could deal a new blow to…