Myanmar Rebels Battle Government Junta Forces with Homemade Shotguns The Video in the link above shows Myanmar Rebels armed with home made single shot shotguns fighting Govt. Military Forces armed with modern assault rifles. The article does not say but I can almost promise you this fight did not end well for the rebels. Going…
Category: Second Amendment Issues
Gun’s Don’t Kill People, Black People with Guns Kill People
If Guns Don’t Kill People, Who Does? Well, Black Gun Murders Surged During The Pandemic… Read the key part again: The study found that firearm homicide rates for young Black men aged 20 to 24 skyrocketed by 48% from 95.3 per 100,000 people in 2019 to 141.1 in 2021. By comparison, the shooting death…
Texas News: Law Banning Gun Possession Due to Restraining Order is Unconstitutional
Law Banning Gun Possession Due to Restraining Order is Unconstitutional Judge David Counts is the same West Texas District Judge who back in September Ruled that Person’s Under Felony Indictment (charged with a felony but not yet convicted) cannot be forbidden from purchasing firearms. Both of these laws are what I like to call “Backdoor…
Same Bullshit, Different Day
H/T It Ain’t Holy Water Yeah Joe, whatever. Go eat your pudding and sniff somebody’s head.
Enhanced Firearm Background Checks for 18 to 20 Year Olds is Unconstitutional Horse Shit
FBI Announces “Enhanced” Firearm Background Checks For Young Adults To Start Next Week Personally, I have ZERO TOLERANCE for any kind of Second Amendment Infringement but to be honest with you, what does that really matter now? Beginning in 1934 with the National Firearms Act we (the people) began to set a standard and…
“It’s Become A Political Arm Of White House”: ATF Gun Store Revocations Hit 16-Year High
Ban the ATF
24 Attorneys General Demand Credit Card Companies Drop Plans To Track Gun Sales
2A News: 4473 Ruled Unconstitutional
Bottom Line: A West Texas Judge ruled that when a person is under indictment that does not forbid that person from purchasing a firearm, only when that person has been CONVICTED of a Crime are they technically a “Felon”. This is a HUGE win from the perspective of the LETTER and SPIRIT of the…
UPS New Gun Shipping Rule
More Back Door Firearm Harassment.
Observations of a Proud Southern White Man #3
First and foremost I want to remind ALL my brave readers to go over to American Partisan and read my good friend NC Scout’s excellent essay titled Welcome to Appalachistan and then pass it along to somebody they care about. I told Scout that it was one of the best damn essay’s I have…