Terror in Waukesha, a Review Please share this VIDEO far and wide. Documentaries like this that expose the social epidemic of anti-white terrorism that has been normalized by the Public School System, the Media and the Government have been suppressed and “censored” long enough. Speak Up and Prepare Accordingly.
Category: Racial Hate Crime
Celebrating White History and Culture Every Day of the Year: Whiteness is More than Anti-Blackness
Whiteness Is More Than Anti-Blackness From the 2013 Archives.
Celebrating White History and Culture Every Day of the Year: Mythology – Aryan Theory
Mythology — Aryan Theory All languages, it is assumed, have passed, or will pass, through these three stages of growth and decay; and the modern languages of the great Aryan family are in the third stage. Of the Aryan family of languages, the Sanscrit, is the oldest known, and this system of roots and…
Defined by What We Love
Defined by What We Love With Big Tech via ZOG constantly reminding us that February is the so-called “Black History Month” why don’t we all take a minute and remind ourselves (and share with our children, friends and family) why we should celebrate the White Race EVERY day of EVERY year! “If you are…
Remember Their Names: Two Black on White Murders Go Under-Reported by MSM
His Name Is Thomas Hand: White Father Murdered By Black Male In Front Of His Young Son And Pregnant Wife As He Preached In Poor Black Neighborhood Thomas Hand, a white male, was murdered in front of his child and wife by a black male in Montgomery, Alabama. She was carrying their second child….
Charles Murray and Steve Sailer Podcast
Steve Sailer And Charles Murray In Conversation On Ricochet An hour long discussion on Race and Class in America between two towering intellects on the subject.
FYI: Blacks can Literally Get Away with Murder Now
NYC Youth Receives Paltry 14 Years in Prison for Stabbing Murder of College Freshman Understand this is in New York State and the POS black thug will be imprisoned in a State Penitentiary which means he would be eligible for parole in under 7 years more than likely. Meanwhile, Tessa Majors Parents and Family…
When Motives Aren’t Hidden . . .
When Motives Aren’t Hidden . . . More Bulletin Headlines from FUSA you wont read in the MSM. Prepare Accordingly Folks, Time is Short.
MLK Day Proves One Thing: Blacks Have Always Loved to Celebrate a Degenerate!
One of the great things about history is how it can help us understand the present. Let’s face it, and call a spade a spade: Martin Luther King Jr. was no saint. Despite all of his “accomplishments” of leading blacks and minorities to the so-called “promised land” which in essence turned out to be…
Integration Has Failed. Now What?
Integration Has Failed. Now What? It’s the most epic case of injustice and hypocrisy ever committed by a Government on it’s own people and yet so few people really KNOW the history behind it. Over 60 years ago when Racial Segregation was deemed “immoral and unconstitutional” by the U.S. Government, President Eisenhower chose to…