Remembering Waco Thirty Years Later 30 years ago today, the ATF raided the Branch Davidians’ church/home on a bullshit gun warrant. They murdered 6 innocent people and lost 4 of their own to defensive fire. 51 days later Bill Clinton sent the FBI Hostage Rescue Team and Delta Force to finish them off. I highly…
Category: Propaganda Alert
Mass Surveillance Distraction?
**With all the Shenanigans going on involving shooting down “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” in U.S.. airspace, the esteemed Feral Irishman put up a post that is VERY interesting. (Be sure and look at the DATE of the article!)** Pentagon testing Mass Surveillance Balloons across the U.S. Spoiler Alert: This is from 2019! Is it…
Dystopianism Becoming Painfully Accurate
FUSA Bulletin: 10 Stages of Genocide
H/T VikingLife Blog 1. Classification People are divided into “them and us” 2. Symbolization “When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups…” 3. Discrimination “Law or cultural power excludes groups from full civil rights: segregation or apartheid laws, denial of voting rights” 4. Dehumanization “One group…
Fear Is Pfizer’s Financial Fertilizer
Fear Is Pfizer’s Financial Fertilizer By now, you’ve probably heard there’s a new COVID variant making the rounds, and it’s said to be “the most transmissible” variant to date. To hit the proper emotional note where propaganda becomes effective, the new variant, XBB.1.5, was quickly dubbed the “Kraken,” which is a moniker referring to…
Clown World Bulletin: The Colorado Gay “Mass Shooter” was the Grandson of a Republican!
It never fails. Every time there is a shooting of some protected minority class like sodomites and tranny’s they immediately start trying to tie the shooter to the most evil force in the universe for purple-haired bathroom confused marxist: Straight White Male Conservatives in order that they might disarm the populace with further anti-2A,…
Mass Shooters by Race: The Data
Mass Shooters, by Race: the Data Math and Statistics, unlike the MSM, does not lie. Blacks are about twenty-six times more likely to be mass shooters, as compared with Whites. While you are here, Check out the Twenty-Eight Black on White DEATHS that occurred in October that the MSM did not want you to…
Weaponizing Children
Weaponizing Children “To achieve an American Marxist utopia, it would be necessary to dismantle the Judeo-Christian values that have undergirded America since the founding. Adult Americans being incorrigibly patriotic and religious, it was necessary to capture their kids. The UN Population Fund stresses that CSE needs to start very young, in preschool. But…
Activate MAGA Hoax v2.0
John Fetterman posts a photo of his campaign sign still burning in deep-red Lawrence County Paul Pelosi Attack – Follow The Evidence, Not The Media Spin
*Another* Black Mass Shooter
Black St. Louis School Shooter’s Race Was Unspoken By MSM For Hours Yeah leave it to the MSM like AP News to lead off with a headline like: “School gunman had AR-15-style weapon, 600 rounds of ammo” to clearly show their anti-gun, anti-white agenda and not the bigger problem at hand, an epidemic of Black…