You supply the pictures. I’ll supply the War When you combine the recent article of Govt. Agencies employing AI to both censor and deceive the general public with the past shenanigans of one William Randolph Hearst, you have a 100% bonafide WARNING! Remember: There is nothing new under the Sun and Government’s don’t change…
Category: Propaganda Alert
Psy-Op Cinema: The Joker Cycle
How Deep State Intelligence reinforces Archetypes and Manipulates Culture via Mass Media, Spectacular Crime and Hollywood The weeks leading up to the release of Todd Phillips’s 2019 film Joker were awash with hysterical corporate media warnings about insane killers shooting up theaters at screenings. But this hysteria was not a spontaneous reflex of the media hive mind: it…
What we learned from the first round of Covid hysteria: Will you be fooled again?
What we learned from the first round of Covid hysteria: Will you be fooled again? So, having lived through Round One and being privy to all of the above information, what will we do with it? The burden lies with us. The ball is in our court. The same cast of characters are eager to…
A.I.: The New Buzzword
The following article was published over at Politically Incorrect Daily. The New Buzzword Working in I.T. for over 25 years, I often get a chuckle when business manageers and the media starts touting the latest tech buzzword, making it sound way more complicated and science fictiony than it really is. Growing…
Clown World Recap
ANOTHER 3-Named Nazi
White US Marine Defends Himself on NY Subway against an Aggressive Mentally Ill Black Homeless Man
So just to sum up: A White US Marine defended himself and other passengers on a NY Subway Car against a very aggressive mentally ill black homeless man with a lethal choke hold. The black homeless man, Jordan Neely, is said to have gone on an erratic rant and had begun throwing garbage on passengers….
Texas News: Immigrant Mass Murder, Mexican Illegal Kills 5 While Drunk In Texas
Immigrant Mass Murder: Mexican Illegal Kills 5 While Drunk In Texas; NYT And WaPo Think This Is A Story About AR-15s Since Cleveland, Texas is roughly about two and a half hours from my back porch as the crow flies, let me illuminate some facts. First of all the area where this happened (just…
Race Reality: Understanding the Latest ‘Emmett Till Narrative’
The Latest Emmett Till Narrative Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (D- AZ) has condemned the “gun violence and injustice” surrounding the shooting of a 16-year-old sub-Saharan boy in Kansas City on April 13, 2023. Giffords was shot in the head by a mentally ill man in early 2011 and is now a gun control advocate. FOX News blamed American…
Maine 6th Grader and His Father Confront Public School Degeneracy
11-year-old reads aloud from ‘pornographic’ book he checked out from library at school board meeting More video clips HERE. This is the kind of filth that populates public school libraries now thanks to degenerate mentally ill people holding public office. Stand Up for your Children and by Whatever Means Necessary STOP the Madness! …
Clown World Chronicles: Team Globo Homo Pushes for Legalization of Sex and Marriage to Animals
WEF Says It’s Time To Legalize Sex and Marriage With Animals To Promote Inclusion The Rot and Decay is beginning to accelerate. Full Court Press to Normalize Degeneracy, Pedophilia and Mental Illness to include Bestiality and Zoophilia. Reject the Global and Prepare Accordingly.