This Post-Apocalyptic Book Was Written By One Of The Oregon Militia Members Looking back now we can see Levoy was not only a writer but also a prophet in the sense he was sounding the ALARM of unbridled Government Tyranny and writing about his own death at the hands of Government Gangster Assassins with…
Category: Police Watch
FUSA Bulletin 1/2/22
For those of you that don’t believe it’s as bad as people are saying out there, check this short video out. A Veteran with an American Flag is “forcibly” arrested for (wait for it) Violating a mask mandate in a restaurant in that Whore of Babylon, New York City and then a Dindu NYPD Female…
Abolish the Alphabet Agencies
Abolish the Alphabet Agencies While the article primarily deals with the F.B.I. and the C.I.A., we also need to include the DEA, ATF and IRS while we are at it. Government Gangsters each and every one of them.
Patriot Purge 1/6/21 (3 Part Series)
H/T Vlad Tepes I thought I would put Tucker Carlson’s 3 Part Documentary on the events of January 6, 2021 here for easy access. Believe what you will from these videos but one thing remains clear: The Federal Government Crossed a Line and there is no Going Back Now. Prepare Accordingly. Parts…
Texas News: More Nanny State Bullshit
City’s attempt to cut Texas man’s grass ends with his death, police say Apparently not mowing your yard in Austin, Texas is reason enough for Local “City Code Enforcement” to Trespass on Private Property and initiate a deadly confrontation that never had to happen. “Nuisance Search Warrant?” So basically anything the city deems a “Nuisance”…
Goat Rodeo Gunfight
From Florida once again, a group of other than white thugs decide to blast it out with Police and a Goat Rodeo ensues. Not sure what the point value is for a hopping black thug with a jammed AR Pistol but it has to be high? This was a tough situation for the cops…
Avoiding the ‘Fatal Funnel’
In a recent Police shooting in Houston, one officer was killed and another wounded while serving a drug warrant. Both officers were standing in front of an open door to an apartment when the shooting began. Tactically speaking you want to avoid standing in front of doors, open or closed. Open doors silhouette your profile…
Texas News: Houston Cop Killed by Black Thug Drug Dealer with Illegal Weapon
Houston Police Release Video Showing Gunfight That Killed Senior Officer; Suspect Had Glock With Auto-Switch Note this POS was a felon with a jacket of crimes dating back to 2008. He was in possession of an illegally obtained and modified handgun. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Jeffrey and Vance Family.
Cartel Corner: A Secret Look at a Mexican Cartel’s Low-Tech, Multimillion-Dollar Fentanyl Operation
A Secret Look at a Mexican Cartel’s Low-Tech, Multimillion-Dollar Fentanyl Operation via: Active Response Training A valuable look at how Fentanyl is mixed with heroin and smuggled into the USA by Mexican drug cartels. Besides providing an accurate summary of what’s happening, you should additionally note two things: 1- I’ve been writing for some…
Second Thoughts About That FBI Report of a 40% Spike in Anti-Black Hate Crime
Second Thoughts About That FBI Report of a 40% Spike in Anti-Black Hate Crime As per usual the FBI’s data set is imperfect and skewed. Almost like they have an agenda? Big surprise there. “Some of the biggest increases in anti-black hate crimes occurred in Democratic Party strongholds yet, perhaps surprisingly, almost no increases…