In July 2012, one year after the Arab Spring shook Arab regimes around the world, an email appeared in the inbox of Mamfakinch, a Moroccan online publication critical of the government. Under the subject line “dénonciation” — French for “denunciation” — was a single sentence. “Please don’t use my name or anything else, I don’t want any trouble.” And…
Category: Police State
Surveillance State: DIVA Software Designed to Spot Suspicous Behavior BEFORE it Happens
The program is called Deep Intermodal Video Analytics—or DIVA—and it seeks to locate shooters and terrorists before they strike. The intelligence community is working on amping up people-recognition power to spot, in live videos, shooters and potential terrorists before they have a chance to attack. Part of the problem with current video surveillance techniques is the difficulty…
Surveillance State: Warrantless Cell Tracking Now Legal
One more thing to check off in that very short list of “Reasonable Expectations of Privacy”. Whats Next I wonder? -SF A split federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that police do not need a search warrant before obtaining cell tower location data that can trace the long-term movements of a suspect’s mobile phone, while conceding…
Modern Crime: The Weird Tale of A Fake Bomb and a Would-Be-Terrorist
Ever since The ATF pulled off their now infamous debacle called “Fast and Furious” resulting in (among other things) a Border Patrol agents death, I have been extremely skeptical of any Local, State or Federal Law Enforcement operation that willingly puts WEAPONS into the hands of criminals and/or terrorist for the express intent of “following…
Surveillance State: Inside The NSA’s Real-Time Regional Gateway (RT-RG)
It is a very common trend to see “Counter-Terrorism” programs and technology that were once used to save American Military and Civilian lives in war get re-directed to spy on American citizens in Peace time. This is something to keep in mind with this program. -SF Relentless attacks on American military personnel at the height…
Surveillance State: Big Brother Is Out In The Open Now
Perusing through the day’s emails, I came across this article. Since it dealt with Intelligence, I quickly scanned it to see if anything interested me. About half-way down my mouth flew open. This suddenly went from a benign article about Intelligence Protection and Cutting Government Cost and Improving Efficiency to an article about Government Surveillance…
Socialism Sucks: The Political Rehabilitation of Che’ Guevera
It might surprise some of you to hear that I can be completely unreasonable and even aggressive about certain issues; the rest of you already know me well enough to expect it. I left all my social skills someplace in Eastern Europe. I’ve even been known to make an ass out of myself in public…
The Surveillance State: Twitter and Data Mining
Twitter has barred Dataminr, a service that analyzes tweets from across the globe to inform users about news events, from providing its information to US intelligence agencies, according to the Wall Street Journal. The social network has not confirmed that it cut the agencies off from the service, which claims to have informed clients about the…