Category: Off-Grid Living
Fieldcraft: Alternative Fire Starting Without Matches
Alternative Fire Starting Without Matches Good things to have in your mental and physical survival toolbox because you never know when you might need FIRE.
9 Edible Wildflowers of Spring
H/T Active Response Training 9 Edible Wildflowers of Spring Knowing which flowers and plants you can eat and which ones will kill you might save your life one day. Also knowing something about Common Weeds might Help in a pinch. Read up and Apply Liberally to Effected Area.
What Was Old Will Be New Again
What Was Old Will Be New Again Some rock solid wisdom from Phil over at Bustednuckles Blog. Reminds me of something I wrote called “The Ice-Cube Tray Mentality”. Read Up and Apply Liberally to Effected Area.
Prepping 101: 22 Ways to Boost Food Production in 2022
22 Ways to Boost Food Production in 2022 If you have not dedicated some time and resources to some type of self-sufficient food production yet, here is a great article to give you some DIY inspiration and a swift kick in the ass. Don’t be a Sheep! Get to Work and Prepare Accordingly!
The Growing Importance of Creating Your Own Fertilizer
The Growing Importance of Creating Your Own Fertilizer Very practical and relevant article. Prepare Now! Don’t Wait!
AP Land Navigation Basics Twofer
Land Nav Basics This is something EVERYBODY should know. Teach Your Kids and your Wife! DO NOT depend on that Garmin GPS unit! One EMP Blast and we are back in the stone age.
Eating 8 Month Old Eggs | Preservation for Long Term Storage
Eating 8 Month Old Eggs | Preservation for Long Term Storage If you raise chickens, this is an AWESOME alternative to pickling eggs for long term storage! To me, raising chickens is kind of a no-brainer in terms of lowering your grocery bill and preparing for the upcoming food shortage in this country. Prepare…